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我女儿私奔,还要我买单。I paid for my daughter's elopement.

她的私奔令她父母非常吃惊。Her elopement astounded her parents.

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下面我会就怎样去宣告私奔列出一些建议。Here are instructions on how to announce an elopement.

他们自私奔以来就一直是人们闲谈的话题。They have been the town talk ever since their elopement.

他私奔标志着游牧民族的生活方式。His elopement marked the beginning of a nomadic lifestyle.

她同那个男人私奔的事很快在村庄里传开了。Her elopement with the fellow spread quickly in the village.

他们俩私奔之前,难道看不出一点形迹可疑的地方吗?Had they no apprehension of any thing before the elopement took place?

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别以为我不知道你那个小妹妹不要脸私奔的事。I am no stranger to the particulars of your youngest sister's infamous elopement.

为了与情人私奔,她不顾一切,不曾想到女儿。She made her elopement with her love without even considering about her daughter.

美珍跟踪阿兰,拍到了塔利与阿兰私奔的照片,并传给塔莎安。Mei tracking Alan, captured tully elopement with Alans photos, and passed on to tasha.

春娇以为错手杀了人,遂打算与采臣私奔。Spring jiao thought wrong hand to kill people, hence to elopement with mining minister.

再古代中国,私奔是指和所爱的人一起逃跑。In ancient China elopement mainly referred to the act of running away with one's beloved.

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在古代中国,私奔是指和所爱的人一起逃跑。In ancient China, elopement mainly referred to the act of running away with one’s beloved.

一个贵族世家坚持认为,最近他们家族里一个年轻人私奔的原因是中了魅惑人类法术。A noble family insists that the recent elopement of one of their youngsters is due to a charm person spell.

而其刚到派出所时一直说夏志杰在外有人,与人私奔了。Its first arrived at the police station and said Jia Zhijie has been outstanding, and the people Elopement.

希斯克利夫成了画眉田庄的常客,林顿的妹妹伊莎贝拉把他视作传奇式的英雄,随他私奔。Study of heathcliff thrush farmstead into the ropes clinton's sister isabella him as a legendary hero with his elopement.

绪论部分对私奔的内涵做了界定,划定了私奔故事的研究范围。The introduction part summarizes on the definition of elopement and designates the research range on this elopement story.

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柳梅又找沈铁军,说自己喜欢他,把他留下,想和现在这个男的断绝关系,和沈铁军私奔。Liu mei is very find Shen Tiejun again, said you love him, leave him, want to sever ties with the man now, and Shen Tiejun elopement.

当一个放荡的地主看上她时,她开始了一段婚外情,直到这个人在他们私奔前期抛弃了她。When a landowning libertine takes a fancy to her, she begins an affair which ends when he abandons her on the eve of their elopement.

有传言称,王功权的私奔声明纯属炒作,他正打算要和王琴合伙创建一家投资公司。There is a rumor that Wang`s elopement announcement was a publicity stunt, since he is teaming up with Wang Qin to establish an investment company.