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你埃塞俄比亚人,从你的茅屋的门里走出,向我走近。Forth from thy hovel door thou Ethiopia com ist to me.

另有杂物间就是楼梯下也装好了白色的木门。Another hovel is also installed under the stairs white wooden.

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同样的材料,有人能用其建造出宫殿,而有人只能建成简陋的小屋。From the same materials one man builds palaces, another hovel.

进行下一步的同时为了任务“打扫房间”杀8个伽格尔营地蛮兵。Kill 8 Hovel Brutes for Cleaning House while completing the next steps.

在树林中,突然遇上了暴风雨,他急忙躲进了一间小茅屋。Right in the heart of the woods he was caught in a storm and took refuge in a hovel.

“好吧,”她说,“这是些很穷的人,是个没有钱的破棚棚。”"Well," said she, "they're very poor folks, and it's a hovel where there isn't a sou."

它比起伍登的茅舍和圣列奥纳德的小屋,不知要好上几倍。It is far superior to the hovel at woodend and the small house at saint leonard's crags.

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啊,汤姆·康第,不过是个小破房子里出世的穷孩子,一向与破烂、肮脏和苦难结了不解之缘,现在这番景象却是多么煊赫啊!O tom canty born in a hovel familiar with rags and dirty and misery what a spectacle is this!

他俩在薄暮时分离开安城,他领着她来到郊外一间约定好的小茅舍。He had led her to the rendezvous in a hovel on the city's outskirts, leaving Onn just at dusk.

恰恰是读者所熟悉的那道双号门,五○一五二号,戈尔博老屋。Precisely at that double number 50-52 with which the reader is acquainted-- at the Gorbeau hovel.

恰好有位老人正在一个窝棚里的茅草床上睡觉,他被这些喊声惊醒了。Now, it chanced that an old man sleeping in a hovel on a pallet of straw was, awakened by these cries.

斧子一下砍入老狗的头颅,屋里的男孩开始尖叫。The axe crashed into the middle of the old dog's skull, and inside the hovel the boy let out a scream.

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我有一个孤零零的破棚子,那儿,在老庵子破屋后面的一个弯角里,谁也瞧不见的地方。I have an isolated hovel yonder, behind the ruins of the old convent, in a corner which no one ever looks into.

欢迎,外地人,来到我们光荣的棚舍。我知道你们是来此挑战邪恶,让我们有机会取回先祖留下的家乡。Welcome, outlander, to our glorious hovel. I know you're here to challenge the evil that's driven us from our ancestral home.

有一天早晨,这个蓄意窥探的老婆子看见冉阿让走进这座破屋的一间没有人住的房里往了,觉得他的神气有些特别。One morning, this spy saw Jean Valjean, with an air which struck the old gossip as peculiar, entering one of the uninhabited compartments of the hovel.

这是我今年第四次失去安全可靠的住所了,我拼命的在允许的上下班通勤距离内寻找一个容身之所。I'm currently without secure accommodation for the fourth time this year, and trying desperately to find another hovel within commuting distance of my job.

撒旦偶然也会蹲在德纳第过活的那所破屋的某个角落里并对这个丑恶的代表人物做着好梦的。Satan must have occasionally crouched down in some corner of the hovel in which Thenardier dwelt, and have fallen a-dreaming in the presence of this hideous masterpiece.