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你想让我加入你的兄弟会?。So you want me to join your frat?

但是它真的很好,因为这是个医学预科兄弟会,But it's really nice because it's a pre-med frat

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我想我应该不会去今晚的兄弟会派对了。I don't think I'm gonna to the frat party tonight.

或是看到一个人渣发现自己把自己的老二塞进什麽样的鬼东东!Or watching a frat boy realized just what he put his dick in!

CLA的兄弟会生活将在你头两年的学生生涯占很大一部分,Frat life is pretty huge at UCLA for mainly your first 2 years

我也参加晚会,但不去任何联谊会,我迅速地成熟起来了。I also was partying, but it was not in any frat house. I grew up rapidly.

他们看到格里菲斯的困境后,联系了兄弟会。But when they saw Griffith's predicament, they called the frat house instead.

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穿一件牛仔甲克,戴个棒球帽,他也可以被认为是个商界的弟兄。Wearing a jeans jacket and a baseball cap, he could have passed for a BU frat boy.

是否像你的大学储蓄后破坏性通宵党兄弟会住房公积金的呢?Does your college savings fund look like a frat house after a destructive all-night party?

你通常能看出这些人是谁,因为他们会为自己姐妹群与兄弟会盛装打扮。You can usually tell who they are because they dress up for their sorority and their frat.

我已启程活在真实的世界中,而你继续你每周末花天酒地的生活。I started living in the real world while you continued to go to frat parties on the weekends.

她告诉女性朋友,要享受性权利,但是不要在参加兄弟会派对时认为男人是圣人。Relish sexual power, she told women, but don't go to frat parties expecting men to be saints.

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在闭合中,我仅仅被取悦当打孔减轻已经叁加空间超功率兄弟会房子的连环图画。In closing, I'm just pleased as punch that comic relief has joined the Space Superpower frat house.

后来兄弟会成员决定采用奥立佛.司慕特的脚步与手印等为度量单位,于是重新绘制10司慕特线。Future frat pledges followed in Oliver's footsteps, handprints, etc. , by repainting the 10-smoot lines.

留下名字,留下电话,加入正义兄弟会,不为朋友两肋插刀不算好兄弟。Taking names, taking numbers. Join our righteous frat. If you aren't pledging Sigma Beta, you aren't worth no crap.

呼叫中心在一个交叉点上,在女校的会堂和为当地公共电视台集资的电话银行之间。The call center is a cross between a coed college frat house and a phone bank raising money for the local public TV station.

大学新生的生活寂寞迷茫,距离我们学校二十分钟车程处有所大学,于是我和女伴们不约而同地对那里的兄弟会男生产生了兴趣。There, as confused and lonely freshmen, my suitemates and I bonded through our mutual obsession with the frat guys from a college twenty minutes away.

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这是一种基督徒国会议员们的兄弟会房区,他们住在那里,一起祈祷互相劝导如何遵守九诫。You know what this is?It's kind of a frat house for Christian congressman, where they live and pray together and counsel each other on how to adhere to the nine commandments.

在圈子里,用户可以更迅速地发送特定消息到一个特定的群体,如兄弟姐妹群,而这些消息通常是他不想与全部联系人分享的。With Circles, users can more quickly send certain messages to a particular crew, such as siblings or frat buddies, that they wouldn't want to share with their entire list of contacts.

类似的,一些超级孔雀的哥特男对其他的哥特女来说具有很高的价值,但是对于大学校园内期待白马王子的MM来说,他们更象是一群怪人。Similarly, some super peacocked goth dude has a lot of value to other goth chicks, but to a college party chick looking for a crazy frat boy, the goth dude is just some lame ass weirdo.