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什么是芭蕾舞巴利?。What is a Ballet Barre?

好,现在请到扶杆这里来。Ah, yes. Now the, to the barre please, Billy.

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你是否曾患格一巴二氏综合症?Do you have a history of Guillian Barre Syndrome?

他顺着枪筒眯着眼睛,认真瞄准靶子。He took careful aim,squinting down the rifle barre.

接种流感疫苗是否可引起格林-巴利综合征?Can influenza vaccination cause Guillain Barré syndrome?

从您的巴利工作,始终记得呼吸。Beginning with your barre work, remember always to breathe.

晚上7点,谭在后台做扶手操,她目前专注于角色本身。At 7 pm, Tan does barre backstage, now focusing on the role itself.

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人员被部署到巴列湖区清除被残余油渣侵袭的湿地。Crews are deployed in Lake Barre to clean marshland hit by oil residue.

巴雷历史学家、传记作家的身份刚好吻合他的条件。Barre historians, biographers agree that he is just the identity of the conditions.

着装统一的舞者在搭着扶木完成精巧的动作,开始上他们的芭蕾课。Uniformed dancers begin a ballet class by completing precise movements on the barre.

一位来自肯尼亚的官员,亚当。巴尔。杜亚里。说这表明在对抗饥饿上缺乏一致性。An official from Kenya, Adam Barre Duale, said it showed a lack of unity in the fight against hunger.

自从西亚德·巴雷的军政府在1991年垮台之后,索马里一直都没有一个持久的国民政府。Since the fall ofthe tyrannical government of Siad Barre in 1991, Somalia has not had apermanent national government.

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我站在消费者的角度对巴利工作室非常熟悉,经常光顾他们家,所以知道他们适合我。I was familiar with and had experienced the Studio Barre brand on a consumer level and knew that it was the perfect fit for me.

格林巴利综合征是一种免疫介导的多类型病变,一般特征为运动、感觉及自主功能障碍。Guillain Barre syndrome is a heterogeneous grouping of immune-mediated processes generally characterized by motor, sensory, and autonomic dysfunction.