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那是一条几乎人走的小道。It is a little-used footpath.

那是一条几乎没有人走的小道。It is a little-used footpath.

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我们开始沿小路追赶。We gave chase along the footpath.

丽莎在小路上发现了硬币。Lisa found a coin on the footpath.

走在乡间的小路上。Walk on the footpath in the country.

人行道上有一个深洞。There was a deep hole in the footpath.

青青绿草愈合了去井边的小径。The footpath down to the well is healed.

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我上次到访的时候,那里只有一条小路。On my last visit, there was only a footpath.

这条小路通向崎岖的山顶。The footpath climbed towards the craggy skyline.

孩子们在人行道上划方格玩“跳方”游戏。The children squared off the footpath to play hopscotch.

沿着荷塘,是一条曲折的小煤屑路。Alongside of the Lotus Pond runs a small cinder footpath.

一道篱笆将哈维尔的房子与公共人行道隔开。A fence separates the Harwell's house from the public footpath.

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威利正扣上安全带。嫚娣在人行道上找到一个硬币。Willy is fastening his seat belt. Mandy found a coin on the footpath.

你知道谁像是落在路旁的人吗——那心境狭小,心地坚硬的人?Do you know anyone who is like a footpath – narrow-minded with a hard heart?

包括部分骏景路、一条行人路及乐信径的士站。It includes portion of Tsun King Road, a footpath and taxi stand at Lok Shun Path.

人行道上聚集了一小堆人,对这辆呼哧呼哧的汽车啧啧赞叹。A little knot of people collected on the footpath to pay homage to the snorting motor.

蜿蜒曲折的小径带著你走向一座灯塔,你可以从岩石上巡视威尔士的梅奈海峡。A curvy footpath leads to a lighthouse looking over rocks to the Menai Straits in Wales.

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走在通往甘溪的土路上,马普安停下来向一个过路的农民问路。Walking down a dusty footpath towards Ganxi, Andy stops to ask a passing peasant the way.

哈瓦那中心的街道上,人行道如同走廊一般,街道则集操场和步道于一体。Where sidewalks are porches in central Havana, the street becomes both playground and footpath.

接着女巫掉转马头,对着人群,马的后腿已经踏上了人行道。Then the Witch wheeled the horse round so that she faced the crowd and its hind-legs were on the footpath.