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你在飘飞,你在奔波。Thou dost float and run.

你知道他们的住址吗?Dost thou know their address?

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现在你为何大声哭号呢。Now why dost thou cry out aloud?

你认识我是谁?Osw. What dost thou know me for?

为什么迟慢你的脚步?That thou thy pace dost slacken?

你难道不认为她很美吗?Dost thou not think her beautiful?

你到这两塔之间干嘛来了?What dost thou here between the towers?

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凯西奥你听没听见,我的好朋友?Cassio. Dost thou hear, my honest friend?

有时候你又像过河的拾穗农人And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep

那么,美丽的鄙夫,为什么滥用。Then beauteous niggard why dost thou abuse.

汝愿感受吾之生命与命运?Dost thou wish to taste my life and fortune?

赫姆提卡,你说的真的就是偶像?Dost thou speak of the statues, Trismegistus?

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心儿控诉说你就藏在他的深处。My heart doth plead that thou in him dost lie.

祢的羊晌午在何处歇卧?Where dost thou make thy flock to rest at noon?

说你爱我,你爱我,一声声敲着银钟!Say thou dost love me, love me, love me -- toll.

你以为你把谁谁谁打倒了,其实。For, those, whom thou think'st, thou dost overthrow.

你用圣油膏我的头、使我的福杯满溢。My head Thou dost with oil anoint, And my cup overflows.

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祢用油膏了我的头,使我福杯满溢。My head Thou dost with oil anoint, and my cup overflows.

你还记得我九年前的样子吗,海丝特?Dost thou remember me, Hester, as I was nine years agone?

你笑了,我唱起了歌,小甜心乔伊降临了。Thou dost smile, I sing the while, Sweet joy befall thee.