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莱索托王国四周都与南非接壤。The Kingdom of Lesotho is completely bounded by South Africa.

“但是从汇款占GDP的比例来看,汤加、摩尔多瓦和莱索托是最大的汇款接收国”。Moldova and Lesotho that are the largest recipients of remittances.

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乌干达就同莱索托就六个月的进口货储备进行着开会讨论。Uganda and Lesotho sit on reserves worth about six months of imports.

据预计,莱索托的一名儿童会比日本的一名儿童少活42年。A child in Lesotho can expect to live 42 years less than a child in Japan.

来自非洲原生态的莱索托歌舞团充分展现出非洲男子的力量、女子的热情。The art troupe of Lesotho shows African men's energy and women's enthusiasm.

莱索托正在世卫组织的支持下制定精神卫生政策和计划。Lesotho is developing a mental health policy and plan with the support of WHO.

他踏遍南非、斯威士兰、莱索托和津巴布韦去托运货物。He hauls loads outside the throughout South Africa , Swaziland , Lesotho and Zimbabwe.

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莱索托王国完全被南非共和国所包围,四周都是陆地。The Kingdom of Lesotho is completely landlocked by the surrounding Republic of South Africa.

今天在莱索托开始了一项运动,目标是在2007年底前向所有的家庭提供艾滋病毒检测和咨询。Today in Lesotho a campaign begins to offer HIV testing and counselling to all households by end 2007.

莱索托是世界上艾滋病毒感染率最高的国家之一,三分之一成年人为艾滋病毒阳性。Lesotho has one of the highest HIV infection rates in the world, with one in three adults HIV-positive.

莱索托和乌干达设立了“种子展会”希望借此为农民提供更多样的品种。Lesotho and Uganda created “seed fairs” in the hope of increasing the varieties on offer to give farmers.

由联合国儿童基金会支持的同龄领导计划旨在提高莱索托青少年对艾滋病毒的认识。A peer-leader initiative supported by UNICEF aims to raise awareness about HIV among adolescents in Lesotho.

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南部非洲国家莱索托的男性及女性人均寿命减少了16岁,分别为43岁和47岁。The southern African nation of Lesotho recorded a fall of 16 years for men and women, to 43 and 47 respectively.

在周六战胜莱索托之前,尼日利亚队已经确保了一个出线名额,而埃辛所在的加纳队是东道主。Nigeria had secured a place even before their Saturday win over Lesotho and Michael Essien's Ghana are the hosts.

南非和莱索托是另外两个性别平等程度极高的非洲国家。South Africa and Lesotho are just two other African countries that sit near the top of the gender-equality league table.

米克尔将代表尼日利亚国家队为参加非洲杯的资格而努力,首先将在周六迎战莱索托队。John Mikel Obi has been selected in Nigeria's squad for their final Cup of Nations qualifier, at home to Lesotho on Saturday.

穿越莱索托边境的马卢蒂山区,您会看到洞穴和悬石,闪族人就居住在这里。Throughout the Maluti Mountains on the Lesotho border, one can find caves and rock overhangs where the San people took shelter.

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这是中国政府第一次通过联合国世界粮食计划署向莱索托提供无偿粮食援助。This is the first time the Chinese government through the United Nations World Food Program to provide free food aid to Lesotho.

2001年莫西西里首相访华,为两国关系的发展注入了新的活力。Lesotho Prime Minister Pakalitha Mosisili's visit to China in 2001 injected new vitality to the development of bilateral relations.

他重申,莱索托政府将继续坚定奉行一个中国政策,支持中国和平统一大业。He reaffirmed that Lesotho will unswervingly continue to pursue the one-China policy and support China's grand cause of reunification.