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没有双重征税。No double taxation.

并且在此制度下的税收是很重的He wanted huge taxation.

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甚至超越税收制度呢。and even beyond taxation.

这就是所谓的双重征税。This is called double taxation.

罗马通过税收繁荣。The Romans prospered by taxation.

税收会影响会计法。Taxation can influence accounting act.

他们负担重税。They were burdened with heavy taxation.

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依法治税是税收工作的灵魂。Taxation by law is the spirit of revenue.

税收应该用来阻止他们。Taxation should be used to discourage them.

农业税费和通货膨胀伤害了贫困人口。Taxation of farmers and inflation hurt the poor.

税权保护与救济。Protection of taxation power and taxation relief.

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税收是调查的主要争论点。Taxation was the main issue in the investigation.

领取养老金的人应免除征税。Old age pensioners should be exempt from taxation.

双重克税为其最大缺点。Double taxation is a big drawback of C-corporations.

它们是许可证,税收和煽动性诽谤。They were licensing, taxation , and seditious libel.

深化财税制度改革。We will deepen reform of fiscal and taxation systems.

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你可以先撇开经济争论,征税等问题不谈。You can say put aside the economic debates, taxation.

因此,金税工程应运而生。And then, the Golden Taxation Project was carried out.

捐税沉重地压在该国各阶层的人身上。Taxation bears heavily on all classes in that country.