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感觉这个重一些。This one feels heavier.

吉姆比杰克沉四斤。Jim is 2kg heavier than Jack.

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这个确实更重些。Indeed, this thing is heavier.

你比我重五公斤。You are five kilos heavier than I.

你的公事包比我的还重。Your bookbag is heavier than mine.

那个白包的价格是多少?。Which bag is heavier than the red one?

干线公路可用粗线。Frunk roads may be shown by heavier line.

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什么工具炎天比冬天重?What is heavier in summer than in winter?

判刑应该更重。/判刑过轻。There should have been a heavier sentence.

我应该坚持用粗的钓线吗?Should I stick with the heavier lines here?

不过金盒子每天都有加重。But though the gold became heavier each day.

请同学拿着体检表与好朋友比一比,看谁重谁轻。Let's see who is heavier and who is thinner.

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驾驶员与副驾驶位人员受伤程度较重。The driver and copilot were injured heavier.

我开始增重,长出了胸毛。I became heavier. Hairs sprouted on my chest.

是左边重一些还是右边重一些?Is this side heavier or is this side heavier?

彼德罗比保罗重。保罗比彼德罗矮。Pedro's heavier than Paul's shorter than Pedro.

粉红色的足提箱比那件蓝色的重。The pink suitcase is heavier than the blue one.

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单件铸造铁基允许较重的削减。One-piece casting iron base allows heavier cuts.

单件铸铁基地允许较重的削减。One-piece iron casting base allows heavier cuts.

为国家效死,死重于泰山。??孙中山。Death for the homeland is heavier than Mount Tai.