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它可以让你通过图表来无限制的创建计划。It allows you to create schemes unrestricted by your worksheet.

您的账号可以发表包含任何HTML的内容。Your account has the ability to post unrestricted HTML content.

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赋予政府不受约束之权力的规矩是“恶”法。The code to vest the government with unrestricted power is a "bad" code.

但是Sata也表示,不再允许无限制的移民。But he also said the days of allowing unrestricted immigration were over.

实际上,几乎没有人会支持口无遮拦、毫无限制的自由。Hardly anyone actually supports unrestricted freedom to say what we want.

无论从风格与绘画的对象上,他的“立体印象派”创作变得更加自由。In both style and subject, his Cubist works became even more unrestricted.

WinAmp的专业版本有着不受限制的CD抓取和烧录功能。The Pro version of WinAmp even has unrestricted CD ripping and burning capibilities.

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边境的关闭结束了埃及和加沙边境四周11天来无限制的活动。The border closure ends 11 days of unrestricted movement across the Egypt-Gaza border.

昂山素季在无卫兵监视限制下进入法庭。Suu Kyi walked into the court unrestricted and unaccompanied by guards, the source said.

该会议由法国施维雅制药公司提供的无限制教育基金赞助。The Conference is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Laboratoires SERVIER.

女性服饰由此发生了革命性的变化——简洁宽松的设计让女性的身体脱离束缚。The simplicity of his chemises revolutionized fashion and left the female form unrestricted.

外面是自由的天,自由的地,自由的空气,自由的心。What lies in the outside is a free sky, a wide land, a care-free heart and unrestricted air.

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可见民间话语暴力跟不受制约的公权力一样恐怖!It is clear that violent public discourse is just as terrorizing as unrestricted public power.

我问Dan他们是如何处理他们的非营利伙伴对无限制资金的需求。I asked Dan how they cope with the demand among their nonprofit partners for unrestricted funds.

布什对东德给予其人民无限制的西方旅行自由表示欢迎。Bush hailed East Germany's decision to give its people unrestricted freedom to travel to the West.

“我们现在处于一种先签后换的模式。”斯蒂芬斯基谈到米勒时说。米勒现在是一个非限制性自由球员。"We're now in a sign-and-trade mode, " said Stefanski of Miller, who is an unrestricted free agent.

公司经理权具有概括性、法定性和不可限定性,包括管理权能与代理权能。The manager's right is considered inclusive, legal and unrestricted like the managing and acting rights.

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在180个现在仍实行每周一次无限制垃圾收集制度的地方市政厅中,很多正在观望试验的结果如何。Many of the 180 councils that still offer unrestricted weekly rubbish collections are watching the trial.

埃及关闭了同巴勒斯坦加沙地带的边境,结束了11天来巴勒斯坦人在该地区无限制的活动。Egypt has closed the border with the Gaza Strip, ending 11 days of unrestricted movement for Palestinians.

不久,我们可能要面对甚至比超级大国之间不受约束的核战争更糟糕的全球范围的毁灭。Before long, we may face planet-wide devastation worse even than unrestricted nuclear war between superpowers.