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戈谭市需要一个真正的英雄。Gotham needs its true hero.

高谭需要我是什么样的,我就是那样的人。I'm whatever Gotham needs me to be.

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为什么政府会把高殇保救出来呢?Why would the government bail Gotham out?

戈谭市需要我是谁我就是谁。I could be Of whatever Gotham needs me to be.

布鲁斯·韦恩从前是高谭市上最幸福的小孩。Once, Bruce Wayne was the luckiest boy in Gotham City.

再大声点儿,我想高谭市的人还没听到。A little louder, I don't think they heard you in Gotham City.

你认为纽约的居民觉得大卫-李有什麽特别?You Gotham City dwellers think David Lee is something special?

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检查一下靠近高谭城的小木港屋。Check on top of the little wooden dock house next to Gotham Bay.

高谭需要我是什么样的,我就是那样的人。I came here to show you that not everyone in Gotham is afraid of you.

因为他是高谭市真正期待的英雄,而高谭市现在不需要英雄。Bcoz he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now.

在柱子后面,面向整个高谭城,有一个谜语人奖杯在等你。Behind the column here, facing the view of Gotham City, is a Riddler trophy.

你希望高谭的秩序?蝙蝠侠必须拿掉他的面具并且自首。You want order in Gotham ? Batman must take off his mask and turn himself in.

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现在她们捡起了莎士比亚——或者施勒策尔和米勒。Now they brush up their Shakespeare — or Schnitzler or Miller — and hit Gotham.

这一个在一块平地上,在一个能俯瞰高谭港的小突堤上。This one's sitting out in plain sight, on a little jetty overlooking Gotham harbor.

世界街头赛车手机版是对你的驾驶技术,个人风格和胆识的终极考验!Project gotham racing mobile is the ultimate test of racing skill, style, and daring.

哥潭镇的车牌是直接从伊利诺伊州的车牌复制而来的。The Gotham license plates are modeled directly off of those of the state of Illinois.

一举通过街头市和释放发挥司法作为蝙蝠侠在这个乐高动作冒险。Swoop through GOTHAM CITY and unleash justice playing as BATMAN in this LEGO action adventure.

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在他们生存的哥谭市里,官员们同黑帮勾结,警察是罪犯的保护伞。They live in Gotham city, officials colluded with the gang, the police are criminals umbrella.

自我标榜为混乱的代理人,小丑突然来到哥顿市,仿佛他过去一直藏在某个人的衣袖之中。A self-described agent of chaos, the Joker arrives in Gotham abruptly, as if he’d been hiding up someone’s sleeve.

是这样的,政府只需要给高殇几百亿美元,这足以让它恢复偿付能力了。Well, the government could simply give Gotham a couple of hundred billion dollars, enough to make it solvent again.