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臭虫叮咬通常不需要治疗。Bedbug bites do not usually require treatment.

臭虫的最佳食品,是三人同睡一床。The best bait for bedbug be to sleep three In a bed.

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若你当场发现一只虫子,你如何识别这就是臭虫?If you spot an insect, how can you tell it's a bedbug?

寄居在床上的成年臭虫在无食物的条件下也可以存活一年。An adult bedbug can survive up to one year without feeding.

事实上,在生物学上臭虫是有几个难得的可爱的特点的。In fact, precious few aspects of bedbug biology are endearing.

但是现在,这个爱管闲事的臭虫所造成的恐怖感觉十倍于此啊。But now this meddlesome bedbug has inspired tenfold the terror.

我感到非常失望,我知道你只不过是有点沉默的小臭虫而已!I was very disappoint, I knew that you just a little silent and buzz bedbug !

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图片中间站着的就是国王利奥波德布莱托帝四世,他正在就伤脑筋的臭虫人口泛滥问题发表正式演讲。King Leopold Blattodea IV, center, addresses subjects on the vexing bedbug issue.

第一次看到一只活生生的臭虫时,我已经当了15年的昆虫学教授,当时它正从一个装胶卷的塑料小筒里爬出来。I had been a professor of entomology for 15 years before I saw my first live bedbug.

臭虫长得像小壁虱,通常生活在床垫里面及其周围。The bedbug is like a small tick that typically lives in and around the area of the mattress.

一只有着噩梦般形状的普通臭虫正准备开始一顿鲜血大餐,向人类主人表示致意。In nightmarish proportions, a common bedbug appears poised for a blood meal, compliments of a human host.

如今在郊区饱受臭虫之害的人口增长最快,甚至多于城市。The suburbs are probably the fastest-growing population of bedbug problems today, more than even the cities.

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就在队伍准备开拔之际,一只白蚁信使突然出现在城堡的门口,它带来了臭虫军队的一位将军发来的书信。As the forces prepared to march, a missive from a general in the bedbug army arrived via termite courier at the castle gates.

目的调查某靶场臭虫对演习官兵的危害,评价综合灭臭虫效果。Objective To investigate bedbug harm to maneuver servicemen and evaluate integrated control efficiency in the archery ground.

人们首先要将自己的床垫、发条盒和枕头装进防臭虫认证的床垫装箱。The first thing people should do is encase their mattress, box spring and pillows with bedbug certified mattress encasements.

一只有着噩梦般形状的普通臭虫正准备开始一顿鲜血大餐,向人类主人表示致意。Massachusetts, Bedbug, 1998"In nightmarish proportions, a common bedbug appears poised for a blood meal, compliments of a human host."

最糟糕的是,几乎臭虫的每种行为都是通过气味为媒介的,而所有的这些气味都是人们极端厌恶的。To top it off, almost every aspect of bedbug behavior is mediated by airborne odorants, almost all of which are, when detected, repulsive to humans.

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当时间达到高盛资深记者安德烈艾森伯格在他的办公室,他提醒她说,臭虫问题预计将成为今年夏天更差。When TIME senior reporter Andrea Sachs reached Eisenberg at his office, he alerted her that the bedbug problem is expected to become even worse this summer.

拇指向上挑起来表示惩罚,还可表示将某人搓出去,即象捻死臭虫一样将某人消灭。That is to say, he completely sets his foot on the neck of him. The gesture of an upward thumb expresses the intention to perish or destroy someone just like killing a bedbug.

拇指向上挑起来表示惩罚,还可表示将某人搓出去,即象捻死臭虫一样将某人消灭。That is to say, he completely sets his foot on the neck of him. The gesture of an upward thumb expresses the intention to perish or destroy someone just like killing a bedbug.