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该头像属于神殿正面的一尊巨像。The figure belongs to one of the colossi of the facade.

我保证以后巨像好得多看起来比第一个。I promise the subsequent colossi are much better looking than the first one.

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一个巨像的一次激光扫射可以干掉一队的机枪兵。One Colossi will be able to kill a group of Marines with one sweep of its lasers.

我们的社会处于伟大的变革时期,变革的社会需要法学“巨人”。Our society undergoing the great change needs colossi of the science of law badly.

隐匿的女妖轰炸机消灭了巨像,并配合地面部队消灭了神族地面部队。The banshees cloak and attack the colossi as the terran ground forces decimate the protoss infantry.

这些国家只要让它们自己的云计算企业与这些美国巨人在一起进行竞争,效果就会更好。They would do better simply to let their citizens make the most of the competition among the American colossi.

我很惊讶这些庞然大物似乎默默地徘徊在灌木到水边之间,而没有粉碎一块石头。I was amazed how these giant colossi seemed to silently hover from the bush to the edge of the water without shattering one single stone.

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巨像和泰坦有异秉天赋,他们能吸收魔法攻击或法术力量的一部分,用以提高自身攻击。Colossi and Titans have the incredible ability to absorb part of the power of magical attacks or spells and use it to improve their own attacks.

不管这些跌跌撞撞的庞然大物是谁造出来的,野心勃勃的政府也好,贪婪无度的大亨也罢,机器巨人总是会给蒸汽朋克故事平添几分激动人心的色彩。Whether these lurching colossi were created by an ambitious government power, or a greedy tycoon, they always add excitement to a steampunk tale.

要停止,这就要确认没有希望的结局一种信念,两个原子巨人恶毒的注定要注视彼此其他不确定的担心的社会。To pause there would be to confirm the hopeless finality of a belief that two atomic colossi are doomed malevolently to eye each other indefinitely across a trembling world.

这张截图里,展示了巨像在稍深的水中移动的实验,但现在还没有任何计划让巨像在所有水域中移动。In this screenshot, it shows experimentation of having Colossi move through slightly deeper waters, but there are no plans at the moment to make the Colossi traverse all water terrains.