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学期的班干部竞选也开始了。The class cadre campaign began.

她的母亲也是个忠诚的干部。Her mother was another loyal cadre.

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干部必须和群众打成一片。A cadre must become one with the masses.

这个工厂有八名妇女干部。There is eight women cadre in the factory.

一名合格的、优秀的值日班干!A qualified, excellent class cadre on duty!

这个工厂有八名妇女干部。There are eight cadre women in this factory.

并且儰莪校佺校优琇班级干部领导。And for the excellent class cadre leadership.

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梅素把奶奶的话告诉了那位女干部。Misu told her grandmother's words to the cadre.

这位青年干部非常称职。He is quite modest though he be a leading cadre.

深化干部人事制度改革。Deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system.

抽调40名干部成立领导小组办公室。Reassigns 40 cadre to establish the leading group office.

此前,李昌是正处级国家干部。Then Li Chang has been a national cadre of division level.

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因此,必须认真做好干部考察工作。Therefore cadre investigation work must be done carefully.

干部考察工作是一项政策性很强的工作。Cadre investigation work is a work with very strong policy.

积极推进干部制度改革。The Party actively promotes the reform of the cadre system.

医院中层干部是医院各项事业发展的骨干力量。Middle-lever cadre is the main power of hospital development.

所以,高尚的德行是一个领导干部政治生命的根基。So, exalted mitzvah is a basis that leads cadre politics life.

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有时上大课他会偕同几个干部到教室点名。Sometimes he would bring a few big class cadre to the classroom.

可能你的产品声誉卓著,顾客忠诚度极高。You have a solid reputation and a good cadre of loyal customers.

干部要能上能下。A cadre should be ready to take a lower as well as a higher post.