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离岸开发中心。Offshore development center.

离岸不代表摆脱限制。Offshore does not mean off-limits.

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他的钱都存进了海外的一家银行。His money is in an offshore island bank.

还有海边的百慕大鳄鱼产业。Even the offshore stuff, caymans, bermuda.

海上石油开采就受到规模限制。Not much oil-drilling is allowed offshore.

风力农场分向岸和向海两种形式。Wind farms come in onshore and offshore forms.

近海的涡轮机在花费的成本上几乎要比一般的涡轮机贵上两倍.Offshore turbines are almost twice as expensive.

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我们在离岸两英里远的地方,无路可逃。We were two miles offshore. There was no way off.

一个大规模的石油勘探计划正在近海展开。A big program of oil exploration has begun offshore.

要让离岸团队的人数尽量小,小于等于两个人最好。Keep offshore team very small i.e. 2 persons or less.

用于海湾、港口和海岩工程建模。Models for coastal, harbour and offshore engineering.

把项目中所有的问题都怪罪在离岸团队头上。Blame every problem in a project on the offshore team.

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离岸开发的那一章有点让人失望。The chapter on offshore development was disappointing.

而标准的近海作业平台无法提供足够的保护,于是就有了这座人工岛。A standard offshore platform was not enough protection.

它可以对离岸200英里的大气扰动进行监视。It provides a 200-mile look into offshore disturbances.

大型桅杆吊,浮吊,海洋工程吊。Heavy Lift Mast Crane, Floating Sheerleg, Offshore Crane.

美国海军仍在沿海一带巡弋打炮。The American navy is still hovering and shooting offshore.

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在海上钻井平台上的位于钻台下面的甲板。The deck below the rotary table on an offshore drilling rig.

奥巴马许可美国近海钻油无力阻挡原油创下17个月新高。Crude oil hits 17-month high despite Obama oks offshore drill.

其雷州半岛与海南省隔海相望。Hainan province is offshore across from the Leizhou Peninsula.