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结论异丙嗪具有超前镇痛作用。Conclusion Promethazine has the effect of preemptive analgesia.

春风先发苑中梅,樱杏桃梨次第开。Spring preemptive Court in plum, cherry apricot pear sequential open.

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我曾经提议过发起先发制人的飞鱼飞弹攻击他的空军。I've recommended a preemptive Exocet Missile attack against his airforce.

当你确信你所占的先机,先发制人未尝不可。Preemptive strikes are okay when you know for sure what you're preempting.

然而先发制人袭击伊朗领土则是走进灾难。But a preemptive strike on Iranian soil would border on catastrophic. Consider

过度先发制人使我们奔波于想象的未来和现实的当下。Being overly preemptive makes us live in an imaginary future vs. in the present.

下面三个先发制人的网络攻击场景可能防止流血冲突。Here are three scenarios in which preemptive cyberattacks could prevent bloodshed.

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但是,普金聪明地抛出这先发制人的一招搅得八国组织的其它领导人措手不及。But his move was a clever preemptive strike that threw other G8 leaders off balance.

目的研究异丙嗪是否具有超前镇痛作用。Objective To investigate whether promethazine has the effect of preemptive analgesia.

试想一下一个核年夜国先下手为强会出现什么情况。Just think of what would happen if one nuclear power launched a preemptive on another.

试想一下一个核大国先发制人会出现什么情况。Just think of what would happen if one nuclear power launched a preemptive on another.

一个经常犯的错误是认为“抢占”就是“分配时间片”。It is common mistake to believe that "preemptive" is a fancy word for "does time-slicing".

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而且,中国未来将享受该矿床的优先开发权。What is more, China will enjoy preemptive rights to develop the ore deposit in the future.

庄子则要我们也须注意心本身,不要有先入为主之见。Chuang Tzu taught us a similar lesson that we must guard our hearts. Don't have preemptive view.

针对数据流的特征,提出了一种基于速率的抢占式批处理方法。A preemptive rate-based batching approach is proposed based on the characters of the data stream.

把这个与活动对象比较,活动对象允许在一个线程中实现非强占式的多任务调度。Compare this with active objects which allow non preemptive multi-tasking within a single thread.

论文最后部分讨论了房屋共有人优先购买权与承租人优先购买权的冲突问题。The last part of thesis discussed the conflict of preemptive right between lessees and co-owners.

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本公司细则及百慕达的法例并无授予优先购股权之条款。There is no provision for preemptive rights under the Company's bye-laws and the laws in bermuda.

但是马布里则直率地表示,自己将会用实力夺回本应属于自己的先发位置。But Marbury then said bluntly that he will regain strength should use their own preemptive position.

目的研究氟比洛芬酯超前镇痛在妇科手术中的镇痛作用及效果。Objective To study the preemptive analgesia effect of flurbiprofen axetil during gynecological operation.