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伊沃克人的精神至上观念里有着各种各样的神灵。Ewok spiritualism has a wide pantheon of gods and spirits.

也加到我们的众神里去吧“Well, we'll just add those into our pantheon of gods too."

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玛丽·居里的遗体被移出葬在先贤祠中。Marie Curie's remains were exhumed and interred in the Pantheon.

2002年,大仲马去世132年后终于移入了法国先贤祠。In 2002, Dumas died 132 years later, he moved to the French Pantheon.

在群星璀璨的美国营销界一位女性格外耀眼。In the pantheon of American marketing successes, one woman stands out.

不管怎么说,他们在软件开发的诸神殿上都占有一席之地。However they all have their place in the pantheon of software development.

此外,有一位新的女神,被迎进万神殿。What's more, a new goddess is being introduced into the pantheon of deities.

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在古代诸神中,她的存在在我看来非常合情合理。In the pantheon of ancient gods she appears to me to be unusually reasonable.

在现代建筑经典作品的万神殿中,乌特松的创作。In the pantheon of classic modern buildings, Utzon's creation has the status of myth.

艾泽拉斯会在黑暗中重生,尤格索隆应被释放,万神殿注定失败。Azeroth will be reborn in darkness. Yogg-Saron shall be released! The Pantheon shall fall!

云-林尼是一名遇战疯的神祗,在遇战疯人的宗教的众神中地位最低,但是十分可怕。Yun-Lingni was a Yuuzhan Vong deity, lowest in their religion's pantheon but greatly feared.

建立于公元前27年并于公元2世纪重建的罗马万神殿是最伟大、保存最好的罗马神殿。The Pantheon is the greatest and the best-preserved Roman temple, which was built in 27 B. C.

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自从星期三傍晚乔布斯被置于CEO名流群后,我已经被问过很多次。I have already been asked too many times since Wednesday evening to place Jobs in the pantheon of CEOs.

万神殿众多的神把一部分力量注入这个些龙群的五个首领。The greatest members of the Pantheon imbued a portion of their power upon each of the flights' leaders.

实践证明,对工人选择权的保护在NLRB的价值体系中已不再占据崇高的地位。It turns out that protection of worker choice no longer ranks very high in the NLRB’s pantheon of values.

是由人类相互影响,和所有无宗教信仰的万神殿来组织语言的。It's a poem structured around the interaction between human beings and an entire pantheon of pagan deities.

但Pope还设计了杰佛逊纪念堂,那是罗马万神殿建筑的经典形状。But Pope also designed the Jefferson Memorial, which is in the shape of a classical Roman pantheon building.

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朗朗也许是位明星,但是如果从另一个角度看,在西方伟大的音乐家的万神殿里,他依然还是一个学徒工的身份。Lang Lang may be a star, but in some respects he remains an apprentice in the pantheon of Western musicians.

一旦有两位名人死去,就会有很大的压力看该轮到哪个人去万神殿了。Once a couple of celebrities die, there is great pressure to elevate another dearly departed to the pantheon.

诸神摧毁了上古之神的城堡,并把这些邪恶生物囚禁在位于地底深处的地下监狱中。The Pantheon shattered the Old Gods' citadels and chained the evil gods far beneath the surface of the world.