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你会有很多的时间来做功课。You’ll have more time for schoolwork.

但学校作业不成问题。But schoolwork has not been the issue.

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论坛不提供任何培训的无偿辅导!These forums do not provide free schoolwork.

SSP的目的是用在你的学业上。The SSP is designed to be used in your schoolwork.

他的课堂作业和家庭作业均有实实在在的进步。There has been a tangible improvement in his schoolwork.

妈继续做饭,我继续做功课。Work, such as schoolwork or piecework, that is done at home.

开发了可以在线自测及在线提交的作业练习系统。The students could submit their schoolwork or exercises on ATW.

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深受焦虑症之苦的学生们将课业列为首要的压力源。Anxiety-ridden students list schoolwork as their chief stressor. U.

埃迪放弃想成为摇滚明星的梦想,而专注于学业。Eddie let go of his dream to be a rock star, and focused on schoolwork instead.

如果我做功课等于白痴,而她的工作就更白——是这件事使她恼怒了吗?If my schoolwork is idiotic, that makes her work even more so—that`s what upset her?

她学业质量的下降正是由于其大脑处于营养缺乏状态而无法进行思考。The quality of her schoolwork declined because Katie’s brain was too hungry to think.

常日的功课经常很累人,是以周末时我们很有需要放松一下。Schoolwork on weekdays is often tiring and it is necessary for us to relax on weekends.

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王先闹事情起来一丝不苟,因此他的孩子们进修也很当真仔细。Wang always did all his work carefully, so his children did their schoolwork carefully.

课外学习时间主要用来做作业和家庭作业,复习、补习和兴趣钻研。The time is mainly used to do schoolwork and homework, revision, remediation and research.

丽德愈来愈担心雅东的功课压力,更担心他因为功课多而没有时间嬉戏。Lydia is worried about Jordan being overloaded with schoolwork and not having time to play.

有些决心是与更好地计划有关,比如为学习做周计划。Some resolutions have to do with better planning, like making a weekly plan for schoolwork.

但他们要小心,无论如何要限制他们的工作时间,毕竟学业第一嘛。Teens should be careful, however, to limit their work hours-and always put schoolwork first.

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认知灵活性与学生的学业成绩关系密切。Cognitive flexibility has osculation relation with the schoolwork achievements of the students.

家长给孩子买电脑来完成家庭作业可能是弊大于利的。Parents who buy children a computer to help with schoolwork could be doing more harm than good.

她得了神经营养失调病,这种病造成她无法完成学业。She was suffering from neurological malnutrition that kept her from accomplishing her schoolwork.