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只有一只叫丹佛的小公狗。Just a dog named Denver.

飞机要在丹佛市停一下。It has a layover in Denver.

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这点需要很清楚,因为丹佛正好在西部。It's important that Denver is in the West.

丹佛来的班机准时吗?Is the five-thirty flight from Denver on time?

丹佛市是大平原地区最大的城市。Denver is the largest city of the Great Plains.

另个一变数,正是那个常年抽风的丹佛掘金。The other wild card here, as always, is Denver.

我在丹佛拍电影时,头发必须是花白的。It had to be gray for a movie role out in Denver.

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数千名的旅客仍然滞留丹佛机场。Thousands of travelers are still stuck in Denver.

丹佛地区的父母似乎也乐意于此。And parents in the Denver area seem to support it.

为了换换心情。之前十年我在丹弗工作得累死累活。I spent the last decade working my ass off in Denver.

我回到丹佛后,电视关了一个月。I returned to Denver and turned off my TV for a month.

一只卷尾侯某天在美国丹佛市丹佛动物园里的树上。A capuchin monkey in a tree at Denver Zoo, Denver, USA.

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次日,他驾车去丹佛,定了家旅馆。He drives to Denver the next day, checking into a hotel.

00摄氏度,但沸点与气压有关。It depends whether you're in Denver or you're in Boston.

格里利美国科罗拉多州中北部一城市,位于丹佛东北偏北。A city of north-central Colorado north-northeast of Denver.

民主党周一在丹佛召开党会。Democrats start their party convention in Denver on Monday.

他被控与一名丹麦男子进行了毒品交易。He's accused of having drug-fueled trysts with a Denver man.

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人们指责他与一名丹佛男子幽会,期间还服用毒品助兴。He's accused of having drug-fueled trysts with a Denver man.

我们的邻居每周都来往于家与丹佛市之间。Our neighbors keep going back and forth to Denver every week.

“不会防守,”乔治-卡尔这样评论丹佛掘金。Indefensible, " said George Karl, speaking for all of Denver."