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但是,做媒需要一定的技巧。But matchmaking is a tricky business.

有些婚介所还根据血型提供配对服务。Some matchmaking services cater to blood type.

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她的相亲事业开始与校园。She started her matchmaking business on campus.

十个人的相亲大会,三个都是郝家的人。Ten people matchmaking event, three are haos home.

俄罗斯自古以来就有媒妁婚姻形式。Matchmaking has existed since ancient times in Russia.

菜鸟真多??匹配系统找得到真正的平衡么?So many noobs? will matchmaking ever find true balance?

您参加商务洽谈的期望是什么?What is your expectation for the business matchmaking program?

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如果她没发觉,那么她的媒人朋友也会把你的事迹告诉她。If she doesn’t, her matchmaking friend will tell her about you.

直到今年春天,极少数人知道他的牵线搭桥项目。Until this spring, a handful of people knew of his matchmaking project.

将弗洛伊德、容格和爱因斯坦融于婚介艺术之中。Emode is bringing Freud, Jung, and Einstein into the art of matchmaking.

佳偶网络公司是韩国首屈一指的婚介机构。Kim by, one of the leading matchmaking agencies in South Korea.

年青的单身人士聚在一起猜灯谜和玩情侣配对游戏。Young singles gathered around for lantern riddle quiz and matchmaking games.

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像爱情本身一样,在线约会的世界也充满了惊喜。Like love itself, the world of online matchmaking is full of happy surprises.

徐总说,钻石王老五徵婚网主要为社会精英提供徵婚服务。Xu said his website provided matchmaking services only to the country's elite.

显然地,这倒不如是帮助做媒的小把戏。Apparently, there's often a little finagling to help matchmaking along, as well.

若没有五位数出场费,不要参加“非常男女”之类的电视节目…Don't take part in any tv show for matchmaking except when they pay you big money.

珍爱网,全球最大的中文在线婚恋网站,拥有超过二千万的注册会员。The largest global Chinese-language online matchmaking site with 23 million registered members.

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分析家表示,单身一族的遭遇更加不幸,婚恋交友类网站最令人恼火。Unfortunately for single people, matchmaking websites are among the worst offenders, say analysts.

一家婚介公司与某相亲网站联合对785名未婚男女进行了一次问卷调查。a matrimonial company and a matchmaking website conducted a questionnaire among 785 single people.

它的货单实时查找业务成为采矿设备工业中的一项宝贵服务。Real-time inventory tracking made this a valuable matchmaking service in the mining parts industry.