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真的令人非常不安。It’s very disturbing.

录像的内容非常令人不安。The video is disturbing.

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你没打扰到我。You're not disturbing me.

对不起,我打扰到你了么?Sorry. Was I disturbing you?

好,对不起吵到你。OK, sorry for disturbing you.

你令我的家人不安。YOU are disturbing my family.

这是个强大的惊人的主意。It's a powerful and disturbing idea.

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80个颇具争议和令人作呕的平面广告Controversial and Disturbing Print Ads

扰乱视听,混淆黑白。Disturbing confusion, black and white.

衣橱总咯吱咯吱响,犯不上去打扰她。Creaky wardrobe. No use disturbing her.

有时这些梦是扰人的。Sometimes these dreams were disturbing.

因此这是最令海森堡烦扰的地方。It was thus most disturbing to Heisenberg.

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肯恩觉得他墙上的裂缝令他很不安。Ken found the cracks in his wall disturbing.

他的罪名是扰乱治安。He was charged with disturbing the public peace.

另一个错译更加令人恼火。The second translation error is more disturbing.

避免弄乱器盖以上的植被。Avoid disturbing the vegetation above knee level.

静谧可以帮你找到寂照,扰人的噪音一样也可以。Any disturbing noise can be as helpful as silence.

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也许还会朝我喷墨水呢!And probably ooze some ink at me for disturbing it.

这次令人不安的时间并非个例。This disturbing incident is not an isolated affair.

你好,我是苏蓝。这些日子恐怕要打扰你了。Hey. I'm Solan. Sorry for disturbing you these days.