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我打算去观光.I'm going sightseeing.

我是来这儿观光的。I am here for sightseeing.

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我要乘观景游览车。I'll take a sightseeing bus.

我观光需要一辆车。I need a car for sightseeing.

我搭观光巴士去那儿。I got there by sightseeing bus.

有旅游车游览团吗?。Is there a sightseeing bus tour?

它上面设立了一个观光塔。It has a sightseeing tower on it.

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可以办理短期观光旅行吗?Do you have any sightseeing tours?

站在观光塔上。Standing on the sightseeing tower.

他们动身出去观光旅行。They set out on a sightseeing tour.

埃武拉观光在早上。Sightseeing of Evora in the morning.

使用此表达方式来找到好玩的地方。Wheres the best place to go sightseeing?

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你要去德莱斯观光吗?。You're going go Dresden for sightseeing?

主要是出公差,顺便观光。Mostly business and a little sightseeing.

这只博美犬扮成了观光巴士。This pomeranian went as a sightseeing bus.

许多旅游者才去那些地方观光浏览。Many tourists go sightseeing in those places.

你有兴趣去旅游观光吗?Would you be interested in going sightseeing?

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朝圣的目的是超越一般的游山玩水。The goal of pilgrimages is beyond sightseeing.

去年警告公费观光旅游。Last year, sightseeing tours at public expense.

我能插足这旅馆的观光团吗?Can I join the sightseeing tour as of this hotel?