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园丁修剪了灌木丛。The gardener clipped the shrubbery.

她看见洛蒂从灌木丛里钻出来。She saw Lottie emerge from the shrubbery.

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我们已把灌木丛清理干净了。The shrubbery has been swamped out by us.

一阵弱如鼻息的气流拂着野草。A breath, almost a respiration, moved the shrubbery.

我们是在菩提幽径尽头的灌木丛林里。We were in the shrubbery at the end of the lime-walk.

确实。早上在褪尽叶子的灌木丛中一个小时。Indeed. in the leafless shrubbery an hour in the morning.

山上有稀疏的灌木和树覆盖。The mountains are sparsely covered with shrubbery and trees.

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他跟她走进小树林时,并没想到要试一试。He had followed her into the shrubbery with no idea of trying it.

我不清楚杰里米已经将钥匙扔进了灌木丛里。I did not realize that Jeremy had thrown the keys into the shrubbery.

他们可能是,大规模种植使用,例如在边界和灌木林在对冲基础。They may be used in mass plantings, such as in shrubbery borders and at the base of hedges.

莫诺湖的高茎草和灌木林沿着凝灰岩地层的底部生长起来。Mono Lake's tall grasses and shrubbery are shown growing along the bottom of this tufa formation.

阳台上所看到的景观,突出了日本京都树木和灌木珊瑚色和淡黄色的色彩。This view from a terrace highlights the coral and canary yellow colors of trees and shrubbery in Kyoto, Japan.

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马匹沿着一条小路行走,经过绿色的草地和带刺的灌木丛,还有贝都因牧民留下的铁丝围篱。We followed a trail past tufts of green grass and spiny shrubbery and the barbed-wire remnants of a Bedouin encampment.

我也不会感到奇怪的,如果我看到许多邪恶的面孔,“沃尔夫山姆的人”的面孔,躲在他后面黑黝黝的灌木丛中。I wouldn't have been surprised to see sinister faces, the faces of 'Wolfsheim's people, ' behind him in the dark shrubbery.

之后,奥巴马夫妇走进了灌木林,消失在人们的视线中,这一让人意想不到的时刻让记者们纷纷猜测他们去了哪里。As the Obamas walked behind shrubbery and out of sight, the unscripted moment left reporters guessing where they were going.

经常,他正在走路的时候,强烈的饥饿感,使他痛苦难忍,于是,他就会生气地大喊大叫,猛烈地踹着纠结的灌木丛。Often as he walked, the hunger pains were so great that he would shout out in anger, kicking savagely at the tangling shrubbery.

刚吃完中饭不久,佩里先生来了,没事陪她父亲坐坐,她就趁机匆匆来到小树林。Perry's coming in soon after dinner, with a disengaged hour to give her father, she lost no time ill hurrying into the shrubbery.

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八月份林分单位面积蒸腾量主要受平均蒸腾强度和叶量的影响,红松人工林最大,毛榛子灌丛最小。The forest transpiration amount in August of korean pine plantation was the largest on average area, and hazel shrubbery is the least.

如今他们把手伸向灌木丛,挖走了生长在总统府宅前花园里的低矮枞树。Today they began on the shrubbery – digging up the dwarf fir trees from the front garden of Kyrgyzstan's president, Kurmanbek Bakiyev.

8的光圈值会使背景的树啊灌木啊如牛奶般柔滑,不过同时也可能把站在最边上的大叔拍模糊了。An aperture of 2.8 might make the trees and shrubbery look silky smooth, but it might make Uncle Bob at the end of the line look fuzzy.