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敌人只配备了短口径的枪。The enemy was armed only with low caliber guns.

你能用iPhone射出.45口径的子弹吗?Can you shoot a .45 caliber bullet out of your iPhone?

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假如你符合以上条件,并想一展你的演艺才华。If you meet the above requirements and want to show your caliber.

轴流泵,半潜式轴流泵,大口径轴流泵。Axial Pump, Semi-submersible Axial Pump, Large caliber Axial Pump.

PVC空心结构缠绕管生产工艺是一种新型的大直径管道加工方法。The winding PVC pipe is a new way of producing the large caliber pipe.

瑞雅是伦敦西区知名主演之一。Ria Jones is an accomplished West End Performer of the highest caliber.

小口径精钢弹簧密集串组,弹力强劲,关怀贴身。Small- caliber steel spring intensive sets are of strong elastic force.

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是宽口径“复合型”高级工程技术人才。Is broad caliber "composite" senior engineering and technical personnel.

这款袖珍的左轮手枪只有5.5厘米长,口径只有2.34毫米。SwissMiniGun has total length of 5.5 cm and is 2.34 millimetres caliber.

吉普车加装了.30和.50两种口径的“博朗宁”重机枪。The jeep is armed with Browning machine guns, both . 30 and . 50 caliber.

之前只有在英国挑战者2型主战坦克上使用这种口径膛线炮。A rifled gun of such caliber is used only on the British Challenger 2 MBT.

因此有关休眠卡的数量目前没有统一的口径。So at present the amount of the dormancy card doesn't have a unitive caliber.

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但是,我怀疑----他能否应付帕奎奥那种火候的速度精灵。I don't know whether he's ever dealt with a speed demon of Pacquiao's caliber.

他将一支口径为32的自动手枪,塞进左腋下的丝质手枪皮套里随身携带着。In a silk holster under his left arm he carried a 32 caliber automatic pistol.

针对某小口径高炮提出了一种弹道修正方案。A trajectory correction scheme of small caliber projectile was brought forward.

吞咽困难的程度取决于狭窄的长度和口径大小。The degree of deglutition difficulty depends on narrow length and caliber size.

虽然普通人不会,可是有能力的运动员可能会因为压力超常发挥。Athletes of that caliber probably thrive on pressure in ways mortal people don't.

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桑迪胡克枪击案和奥罗拉枪击案中都使用了223口径的枪支。That caliber of ammunication was used in both the Sandy Hook and Aurora shooting.

警方称,他们发现了一支猎枪和一支22毫米口径的来福枪,并带有望远瞄准镜。Police said they recovered a shotgun and a . 22 caliber rifle with a telescopic sight.

克莱文思家的巨额财富能轻易吸引到最有才干的战士。The great wealth of Clavius's family easily attracted the highest caliber of warriors.