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他又嗅到松树和附近树汁尖酸的气味。He could smell the pine, the tartness of nearby tree sap.

一些酒的酸味是由于L-苹果酸的高浓度。The tartness of some wines is due to high concentrations of L-malate.

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难道农场的工人也和我们一样懒,连镰刀也不磨利点?Were farm workers as lazy as us not to grind sickles to be tartness ?

这些酸把水果并减缓细菌酸的性质。These acids give the fruits tartness and slow down bacterial spoilage.

不要忽略了番茄,它奇特的酸的味道实在是很不同。Don't skip the sliced tomato—its crisp tartness really perks things up.

整体冲压,热处理,刃口特殊处理,剪切锋利,剪口整齐。Whole Stamping, heat treatment, blade special make, tartness and orderliness.

在锋利的克兰伯里使为数不多的浆果永远吃原材料。The tartness of the cranberry make it one of the few berries never to be eaten raw.

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若您希望可以减低酒中的水果酸度,建议您可以稍作醒酒。Allow the wine to air if you want to reduce some of the tartness of the fruit flavors.

他甜的草莓是完全平衡的锋利的大黄。T he sweetness of the strawberries is perfectly balanced by the tartness of the rhubarb.

干净,明亮的苹果香气和风味融合了优美与蓝比克复杂的酸味。The clean, bright aroma and flavor of apples melds beautifully with the complex tartness of lambic.

浓郁酸冽的莱姆汁混合着充满防腐剂涩味的冰镇伏特加——棒极了。The tangy tartness of the lime juice combined with the antiseptic astringency of the icy-cold vodka—wonderful.

这些糖果味道橡胶是孩子的选择,这让我记住他们。These taste like gummi candy with a touch of tartness. Yeah they're for kids, but hey it makes me remember to take them.

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用来显示红酒口味中的酸味,含有适量的水果酸。Acidity is used to indicate the quality of tartness or sharpness to the taster, the presence of agreeable fruit of acids.

从书里看不出珊弗夫人是一个和普通女孩一样既热情又尖刻且充满好奇的人。Mrs. Sanford, who conveys a just-us-girls warmth and tartness that doesn’t always come through in the book, looked quizzical.

第二天,他尝了一种圆果子,只感到嘴里酸酸涩涩的,吃下去之后觉得胃里、肠里舒服了许多。神农氏将它取名为“乌梅”。The second day, he ate a round fruit which tasted tartness but felt comfortable with the stomach. Thus he named it "Dark plum".

该品种的葡萄固有的酸的口感适合在其年轻的时候享用,因为用该品种酿造的葡萄酒不适宜陈酿,而且该品种所有的香气在灌装后的时间里会很明显的消去。This grape's inherent tartness should be embraced in youth, for wines made from albariño do not age well, and the vibrant aromas begin to noticeably fade within months of bottling.