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你居然跑到别人家去了?You daringly went to other people's home?

美丽的人生活在恐惧之中,而真正美丽的人生活充满了勇气。Beautiful people live in fear, while truly beautiful people live daringly.

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这件大胆而充满现代气息的“划桨女孩”是园区最引人注目的景观,也是一件向美以及前苏联的体育精神致敬的艺术品。His daringly modern 'Girl With an Oar' became the park's centerpiece, a tribute to beauty and Soviet athleticism.

在此吉兆的鼓舞下,希腊海军军心大振,在撒拉米斯战役中一举击败波斯舰队。Inspired by this good omen, the Greek navy daringly engaged and defeated the Persian fleet at the battle of Salamis.

他们全力投身于这蔚为壮观的社会变革中并帮助塑造了我们今天所理解的信息社会。They daringly participate in the current social transformation and help shape the information world as we see today.

菊次郎的父亲北野家庭,是一个严格的,短期锻炼,但大胆滑稽的老式类型的人。Kikujiro, the father of the Kitano family, is a strict, short tempered, yet daringly comical old-fashioned type of person.

二位作者大胆尝试在同时结束文学叙述及主角的生活的课题做处理,两个都使用了截然不同的方式作结。Each author has daringly experimented with the problem of closing the narrative and the protagonist's life at the same time.

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最后根据综合情况的分析和研究,对高校管理信息系统未来发展趋势作了大’胆的预测。Finally, on the basis of analysis and study of the comprehensive situation, it daringly predicts developing trend of college MIS.

本文分析了教师面临的新形势,对教师的发展提出可行性建议,并大胆设想了一种教学模式。This article analyses the new environment, gives feasible advice for teachers' development, and designs a new teaching model daringly.

蔡明亮,表述欲望、绝望、渴望转化成希望的诗人,拍了他最温柔且私人的电影。Tsai Ming-Liang, the poet of desire, despair, and longing transmuted into hope, has made his most daringly tender and personal film to date.

她把粗呢夹克等男装加以改动,做成了实用的女装,甚至还大胆地使用当时男性内衣中的面料做出了宽松舒适的女性罩衫。She also daringly used materials that were traditionally associated with men's undergarments to make loose and comfortable blouses for women.

到了60年代的早期,这一新的艺术形式已经经过很多艺术家的改造,但仍远不及旧金山摇滚俱乐部中的演出大胆先锋。By the start of the next decade, the new art form was being reworked by many hands, but nowhere more daringly than in the San Francisco rock clubs.

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在杰克被带离电厂的路上,他毅然地打开了几个阀门,喷出的蒸汽使他们行进的路上视线不清,他从特勤处特工的手中逃脱了。As Jack is being led out of the power plant, he daringly escapes from the Secret Service agents by turning on valves to blow steam into their paths.

“现在你已然结过婚了,”她大胆说道,“我就要对你招供,我实在是一径都盼望你来向我求婚的,无奈你总不开口。”"Now that you're safely married, Lester, " she said daringly , "I'll confess to you that you were the one man I always wanted to have propose to me—and you never did.

墨子面向下层百姓大胆勾画了一个平等、兼爱的社会蓝图,他的造物理念与这一蓝图紧密相连。Mozi daringly constructed a society blueprint of "impartial caring "and "universal love"for common people, and his design theories correlated with this blueprint inseparably.

最近几个月,随着初生牛犊般的加罗什·地狱咆哮在此建立了坚实的兽人要塞战歌堡,部落在此占据了主导地位。In recent months the Horde has established a dominant presence here as the young and daringly aggressive Garrosh Hellscream has founded the rugged orc fortress of Warsong Hold.

我认为云淡风清的非常标准。如果你想练习说英语就不要怕别人笑话,大胆的与别人交流,只有这样你才会有进步!Don't be afraid of being laughed by other people if you want to practice to speak in English , and communicate with them daringly , and you will make progress on it just like this.

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在美国期间,吴女士大胆扩展了琵琶的演奏范围,与电子乐器手共同弹奏爵士乐、蓝草音乐、宝莱坞电影音乐,并且激发一些知名作曲家谱写了众多作品。During her time in America, Ms Wu has daringly expanded the pipa's range, playing jazz, bluegrass4 and Bollywood5 with eclectic instrumentalists —and inspiring numerous works from prominent composers.