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东方之珠,拥抱着你。The Oriental Pearl, we embrace you.

陶瓷品,东方艺术的明珠。Ceramics, the pearls of oriental art.

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我是新东方的李辉。I am Li Hui from New Oriental School.

香料烟是一种芳香型烟叶。Oriental tobacco is an aromatic leaf.

形成东方艺术品牌。The formation of oriental art brands.

我们喜欢北京,喜欢丽都的一切。He takes a fancy to everything oriental.

“袖”舞是东方舞蹈的一大创造。The sleeve dance is an Oriental creation.

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上海东方汽车杂志社拥有两刊一网。Shanghai Oriental Auto Magazine Agency Co.

欢迎来到新东方国际学院!Welcome to New Oriental International College!

东方式的镇定,是金色永恒。The Oriental unperturbed, is the golden eternity.

中国是一个有著悠久历史的东方国家。China is an oriental country with a long hist ory.

杭州乐园和东方文化园如何?。How about Hangzhou Paradise and the Oriental Park?

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东方明珠是南京青岛旅游价格的标志性建筑。The oriental peal tower is a landmark of shanghai.

我们很快就划到了文华东方酒店的海边。We got to the Mandarin Oriental beach fast enough.

非洲人和东方人用新鲜的生姜来烹饪。Fresh ginger is used in Asian and oriental cookery.

东方广场位于市中心。The Oriental Plaza is located in the downtown area.

泰文和东方异国情调交叉缝合设计。PINN , Thai and Oriental exotic cross stitch design.

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邱紫华先生是东方美学的拓荒者。Qiu Zihua is the pathbreaker of oriental aesthetics.

在东方的旷野中,牧童总是走在羊群前头的。The Oriental shepherd was always ahead of his sheep.

美轮美奂的东方明珠塔让我们感到震撼。We are amazed by the grandeur of the Oriental Pearl.