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这是非常宝贵的。This is very valuable.

这里没什么值钱的!There’s nothing valuable.

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你是位有价值的雇员。You are a valuable employee.

人贵有自知之明。It is valuable to know oneself.

这幅绘画非常名贵。This painting is very valuable.

因为这里面只有一份礼物是珍贵的。For only one of them is valuable.

这些肖像价值几何?How valuable are these portraits?

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你是自己最有价值的资产。You are your most valuable asset.

慑影是椚椛费很多的爱好。Photography is an valuable liking.

于是有价值的教训与你擦肩而过。And so valuable lessons pass you by.

IPI是有价值的预后因素。IPI was a valuable prognostic factor.

我们认为它提供了有价值的教训。We think it offers a valuable lesson.

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希望、好人缘更珍贵。Wishes, popularity are more valuable.

请问有无贵重物品和易碎品?Is there anything valuable or fragile?

可否借用贵报一点宝贵的篇幅。May I trespass on your valuable space.

有许多理由可以说明这个是价值连城的。This can be valuable for many reasons.

正因为如此,挖掘它才有更大的价值。Thus, it is more valuable to study it.

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乔木是一个有价值的木材的来源。Trees are a source of valuable timber.

他有一种最可贵的精神。He has one of the most valuable spirit.

写博客真的是种有价值的消遣么?Is blogging really a valuable pasttime?