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合作的行为如何进化?How did cooperative behavior evolve?

赛普电气—您成功的合作伙伴!Saip--your successful cooperative partner!

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上海市泌特临床协作组。Shanghai Mite Clinical Study Cooperative Group.

本社不设立分支机构。This Cooperative will not establish any branch.

对于女孩来说很多游戏都是合作性的。For the girls a lot of the games are cooperative.

该模型是一个典型的合作博奕模型。This model is a classical cooperative game model.

这意味着价电子的合作共享。It means cooperative sharing of valence electrons.

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讲授法,讨论,团体合作学习。Presentation, discussion and cooperative learning.

而且拥有奋发向上、精诚合作的良好氛围。Here is also a positive and cooperative atmosphere.

我的家庭成员之间互相合作。My family members are cooperative with one another.

进食可以是集体活动,但不一定非得是合作性的。Feeding is en masse but not necessarily cooperative.

虽然,从法律上看,目前大多数集体企业…Although, from jural look, at present most cooperative.

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会议上,CAPC的欧洲合作伙伴仍然对CAPC做出了认可。CAPC's cooperative partners in Europe still approve us.

有些小型的合作企业赚头极好。Some small cooperative enterprises share out very well.

她加入了附近的一个食品合作社,以便减少食品开销。She joined a nearby food cooperative to slash her bill.

她加入了一个叫作“有机Ekta”的茶叶合作社。She has joined a new tea cooperative called Organic Ekta.

略具文秘经验和有与人合作的精神。Some secretarial experience and a cooperative personality.

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请予合作,安检也是为你自身安全着想。Be cooperative. The security check is also for your safety.

甲乙双方将结成战略合作关系。A and B both sides forged a strategic cooperative relations.

董保明,合作博弈导论,中文版的,适合入门学习。Introduction to the theory of cooperative game. Bezalel Peleg.