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但我却不能再次体验到它的美。But I cannot recapture its beauty.

生怕你以为他永远不会重现Lest you should think he never could recapture

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我还希望自己能重新穿上国家队的战袍。I also hope to recapture the Nazionale jersey too.

我希望补回我那两年失去的时光。I hope to recapture those two lost years of my life.

他能否夺回他的抒情性和饥饿面前?Can he recapture that lyricism and hunger he had before?

随着我们年纪越来越大,我们狂热地工作以重获青春。As we get older, we work feverishly to recapture our youth.

他们认为我一直想再次体验那段关系。They think I'm always trying to recapture that relationship.

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农·阿诺率军捉拿他,但最终还是失败了。Nom Anor led the charge to recapture him, but ultimately failed.

这支武装部队已发动进攻要夺回失去的阵地。The armed forces have launched offensives to recapture lost ground.

HERO战队组织了反击,但是他们发现夺回旗点并没有想象中的容易。HERO counter attacked but they didnt find it easy to recapture the flags.

经思考将军拿定主意,趁夜色夺回失去的阵地。The general resolved on an approach by night to recapture the lost ground.

2010年,我又踏上这片土地,重新感受那份秘境中的绚烂。I went to Xinjiang again in 2010 to recapture the beauty of the wonderland.

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放一个诡雷在上面以防万一您得敌人试图占据它。Place a Saboteur bomb on it in case your enemy tries to recapture the spike.

欧洲队期望在2008年输给美国后重新夺回莱德杯。Europe is looking to recapture the Ryder Cup after falling to the US in 2008.

“这是我的顿悟,”他说到他正在设法再次体验的甜蜜。“That was my epiphany, ” he said of the sweetness he was trying to recapture.

要将火星恢复到它的最佳气候阶段,我们所需要的就是一位拥有庞大预算的园艺师。All the planet needs to recapture its salad days isa gardener with a big budget.

所以,通过重新感受性的感觉,重新找回那些爱情初期的美妙感觉吧!So recapture those delicious feelings of early love by getting back to the senses.

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审案子的县官叫吴林塘,他想办法抓回姑娘的丈夫。Case of the trial magistrate Jiaowu Lin Tong, who try to recapture the girl's husband.

然后他开始有计划地实施夺回各个世界的战役,目标是重新占领科洛桑。He then began a systematic campaign of retaking worlds in a bid to recapture Coruscant.

从而金刚乘是尝试去再体验乔达摩佛的启迪体验。Vajrayana thus attempts to recapture the enlightenment experience of the gautama buddha.