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可引起可遗传的基因突变。R46 May cause heritable genetic damage.

可能引起遗传性基因损害。R46 May cause heritable genetic damage.

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这说明面孔辨识能力是可遗传的。This suggests the ability to recognize faces is heritable.

致害性的转化是渐变的,在世代间似有遗传积累。It seemed that there was a heritable accumulation from generation to generation.

地中海贫血是一组高度异质性的遗传性溶血性疾病。Thalassemia is considered a kind of heritable hemolytic disease with high heterology.

遗传可能性本身就是一件有趣的事情,它并不像人们想象的那样容易遗传。And heritability itself is a funny thing that isn't as heritable as people often imagine.

研究结果不能仅仅有趣而且必须有用,比如在遗传病方面。The results would not just be interesting but useful in areas such as heritable diseases.

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中国悠久的传统艺术具有强固的承续力量、持久功能和相对独立的性质。Traditional art has fixedly heritable power, continuous function and independent property in China.

如果一种性状或疾病在同卵双胞胎中的同时发生的概率高于异卵双胞胎,那么这种性状或疾病是“可遗传的”。A trait or disease is called heritable if monozygotic twins are more similar to each other than dizygotic twins.

从而证明了以稳定的可遗传的方式显著减少棉籽棉酚的含量的方法是可能的。We demonstrate that it is possible to significantly reduce cottonseed -gossypol levels in a stable and heritable manner.

一些可遗传的体貌特征与同性恋相关也具有进化上的意义。In contrast, there are some heritable physical traits that it makes evolutionary sense to be associated with homosexuality.

魏斯曼学说认为可遗传的特征来自种质,后天的特征不能被继承的理论。The theory that all heritable characteristics arise in the germ plasm and that acquired characteristics cannot be inherited.

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表观遗传学是在基因表达中有丝分裂的可遗传的变化,而在最初DNA序列上没有任何改变的研究。Epigenetics is the study of mitotically heritable changes in gene expression without any changes in the primary DNA sequence.

个人承包应得的个人收益,依照本法规定继承。Personal benefits accruing from a contract entered into by an individual are heritable in accordance with the provisions of this Law.

该过程被成为DNA甲基化,是表观遗传变化的一种,属于不会改变DNA序列的可遗传变化。The process, known as DNA methylation, is one mechanism of epigenetic change, heritable change that does not alter the sequence of DNA itself.

发生于卵细胞和精细胞的印迹类型被认为是“基因组印迹”,这是对其基本的遗传本性的一种提法。The type of imprinting that happens in egg and sperm cells is known as "genomic imprinting , " a reference to its fundamental heritable nature.

很显然,雪松中树脂道的出现不应由偶然的创伤而造成,而是由非常稳定的遗传因素所决定。The result of the experiment of this dissertation show that it is very heritable that the leaves of Cedrus deodar have two lateral resin canals.

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在很多真核生物中,包括植物,DNA甲基化提供了一个可遗传的标记,该标记可以引导转录沉默异染色质的形成。In many eukaryotes, including plants, DNA methylation provides a heritable mark that guides formation of transcriptionally silent heterochromatin.

最终,我们也许能够首先在实验室器皿中攻克或研究帕金森氏病或老年痴呆症或遗传性精神病这类疾病。Finally we may be able to capture and study conditions like Parkinson's or Alzheimer's or heritable mental diseases in the laboratory dish for the first time.

双亲灭活原生质体融合技术优点较多,是原生质体融合育种中针对无遗传标记同种不同株双亲的一种常用的有效方式。Inactivated protoplasts fusion method has more advantages in breeding techniques and also it has been used effectively in parents without any heritable labels.