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千真万确,弗里曼是正确的。Freeman is dead right, of course.

2005年,摩根.费列文和杰米.霍尔斯Morgan Freeman and Jamie Foxx, 2005

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我强烈推荐杜兰大学的弗里曼商学院。I highly recommend Tulane's Freeman School of Business.

从某些方面看,弗里曼似乎与现代生活有些脱节。In some ways Freeman seems out of phase with modernity.

有一名读者建议由摩根•弗里曼来扮演乔布斯,估计这是个玩笑。One reader suggested Morgan Freeman -- we assume that was a joke.

现在看来,弗里曼和蓝瓶咖啡发展前景远大。At this moment Freeman and Blue Bottle appear to be the real deal.

艾德丽安?弗里曼是德州约塞米蒂国家公园的守林人。Adrienne Freeman is a park ranger at Yosemite National Park in California.

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后来弗里曼在中国上海附近的苏州市被发现。Freeman eventually was traced to the Chinese city of Suzhou near Shanghai.

艾德丽安.弗里曼是加州Yosemite国家公园的管理员。Adrienne Freeman is a park ranger at Yosemite National Park in California.

嗨,队长班费尔曼和黑帮的人,你们被捕了。Hi, the captain Ben Freeman and the sinister gang guys, you are under arrest now.

如果你喜欢沉默寡言、身强力壮的类型,那么戈登·弗里曼就是你的人选。If you're someone who loves the strong, silent type, then Gordon Freeman is your man.

名仕弗里曼说,萨摩亚社会价值的年轻女人谁没有过性关系。Mister Freeman said Samoan society valued a young woman who had not had sexual relations.

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Freeman是一位致力于精神病学和产科学交叉研究的精神病学家。Freeman is a psychiatrist with a focus on the interface between psychiatry and obstetrics.

麦德伦说,他们兄弟俩没先联络就跑去,与弗里曼聊起他的蒐藏。The brothers arrived unannounced, Meldrum says, and chatted with Freeman about his collection.

因此,支持联邦,我们就支持了自由人和博爱主义者所珍视的一切。In supporting it, therefore, we support all that is dear to the freeman and the philanthropist.

弗里曼说,二战结束后的三十年中,是美国工会组织的“黄金岁月”。Freeman says the three decades following World War II were a "golden age" for U.S. labor unions.

格林汉姆主席保罗·斯加利期望鲁克·弗里曼尽快能完成去枪手的转会。Gillingham chairman Paul Scally expects Luke Freeman to complete his move to Arsenal 'very soon'.

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从严格意义上讲,马克·弗里曼应当算是这个星球上最幸运的人了。Technically speaking, Mark Freeman should count himself among the ­luckiest ­people on the planet.

我不喜欢弗里曼一家,这我知道,我发现每逢有人提起他们时,你就撇撇嘴。You do not like the Freeman family I know, I've seen you curl your lip when they have been mentioned.

2000年悉尼奥运会上看凯西·弗里曼获得金牌时,我第一次意识到这一点。The first time I realized this lesson was watching Cathy Freeman win gold in the 2000 Sydney Olympics.