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尼希米记的意思是“慰问使者”。Nehemiah means " Jah is comfort".

你可以在你的国家里成为一位尼赫迈亚。You can be a Nehemiah in your city.

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你可以在你的国家里成为一位尼赫迈亚。You can be a Nehemiah in your country.

尼希米是位十分爱神的人。Nehemiah was a man full of devotion to God.

哈迦利亚的儿子尼希米的言语如下。The words of Nehemiah the son of Hachaliah.

尼希米记第四章正是要处理这个问题。In Nehemiah all of chapter 4 deals with this subject.

尼希米因为凡事向神说「是」,所以才能向罪说「不」。Nehemiah said 'No' to sin because he said 'Yes' to God.

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尼希米毫不疑惑的确知,上帝比任何仇敌都大。Nehemiah knew beyond any doubt, God is greater than any foe.

之后尼希米重新安排人口进驻到城市里。Nehemiah then reorganized the people and repopulated the city.

尼希米深深明白,一,加上祷告,等于神的大能。Nehemiah knew that one plus prayer equals the mighty power of God.

谢谢您让尼希米和耶路撒冷的子民成功。Thank You for the success of Nehemiah and the people in Jerusalem.

尼希米深知完成重建城墙计画的必要性。Nehemiah knew very well the importance of completing the wall project.

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神可以使用异教的王来供应用尼希米所需用的一切。God saw that all that Nehemiah needed was supplied by the heathen king.

一如历代志和以斯拉二书,尼希米也强调祭司职。Like the books of Chronicles and Ezra, Nehemiah has a priestly emphasis.

尼希米的来到,便是应验了那些穷人和被剥削者的祷告。Nehemiah came in answer to the prayers of those poor and exploited people.

尼希米记馀下的部分,便是记述神怎样应允他的祷告。The rest of the book of Nehemiah is the story of how God answered that prayer.

当尼希米和以斯拉向大家解释之后,所有人都很高兴。When Nehemiah and Ezra were able to explain this to the people they rejoiced !

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尼西米用的是祷告耶稣用圣经上话语回敬撒旦谎言。Nehemiah turned to prayer and jesus quoted scripture to renounce the devils's lies.

欢迎你收听有关尼希米生平的系列信息,今天是第二课。Welcome to this second broadcast from the series of messages from the life of Nehemiah.

尼希米向王提出请求之前,他用了四个月的时间在神面前祈祷。Nehemiah spent about four months in prayer before he made his first request to the king.