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我对耳环一直情有独钟。I always wanted an earring.

她将她的耳环充当饰针。She served her earring as a pin.

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铁娘子盖金耳环宋。Iron Maiden Cover Golden Earring Song.

我正将你遗落的耳环握在手里。I'm holding in my hand an earring you once lost.

他应该停止戴那个难看的耳环。P18 2a, He should stop wearing that silly earring.

活在当下,随后便死。骷髅耳钉,一对。Live now. Die later skull earring studs. Sold as a pair.

另外女士外出有戴耳环的习俗。Moreover woman egresses has wears the earring the custom.

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我们找遍了整个屋子,但还是没能找到耳环。We combed the entire room but weren't able to find my earring.

那耳饰是扁扁的金属制品,着黑色,写着“请快乐吧。”The earring was stamped metal, painted black and said 'BE HAPPY'.

比尔有着长长的红头发和一枚用尖牙做的耳环。Bill has longish , bright red hair and an earring made from a fang.

按此连结看我们韩国网站最新K金耳环款式…Please click here to see our gold earring designs in our Korea website.

在大拇指与食指中间像鸭蹼的地方穿孔戴上耳钉。Pierce an earring on the webbed part between the thumb and the forefinger.

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优雅靓丽的派对耳环镶有蓝色蛋白石和透明水晶以及银灰金属镀层。Oxidized rhodium plated stud drop earring with blue opal and clear crystal.

闪闪发光水钻大耳环令你风格无限!Style comes full circle in our glittering hoop earring. Post closure. Imported.

项圈和单边长耳环是休闲打扮的最佳伴侣。The new choker necklaces and drop single earring is best worn when you dress down.

纯手工制作的耳环。纯白色不透明玻璃珠,配上镀金配件。Homemade earring make with glass beads with gold plated earring hook and soft chain.

没了耳环,擦起脸来就很轻松,不用担心耳环的事情。It's easier to wipe without having to worry about if your earring is going to catch.

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在我得到那个耳饰后的第二天,那个女孩儿偶然间问我是否有人认领它。Incidentally, the day after I found the earring the girl asked me if anyone had claimed it.

于是麦克菲用他手上的铁钩赶走了佩吉,但是它又继续咬他的耳环。With the hook on his hand McPhee pushed Peggy away, so she took instead to biting his earring.

智慧人的劝戒,在顺从的人耳中,好像金耳环,和精金的妆饰。As an earring of gold, and an ornament of fine gold, so is a wise reprover upon an obedient ear.