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赛柏空间不在你们的疆界之内。Cyberspace does not lie within your borders.

哈,中国人和印度人在网上互喷。Aaah, Indians and Chinese fighting in cyberspace.

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在网上还有其他做清醒梦的人吗?Any other lucid dreamers out there in cyberspace?

不,这是在网络空间,目标——国防部。No. This was in cyberspace and the target was the MoD.

互联网领域也不断涌现出新的词汇和短语。Cyberspace produces a constant supply of words and phrases.

灰色的页面,低质量的图片--这就是老式的网络。Gray pages, low-rate graphics -- this is vintage cyberspace.

因此,网络空间是在许多方面,一个蛮荒的边界。Therefore, the cyberspace is in many ways, an untamed frontier.

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集会与结社自由同样适用于网络空间。The freedoms to assemble and associate also apply in cyberspace.

所有这些都不能彻底根除犯罪行为、间谍活动和网络空间的战争。None of this will eradicate crime, espionage or wars in cyberspace.

即便是脱离虚拟空间,微型国家的生存也是很艰难的。Life for small countries is tough even if they do escape cyberspace.

以国与国之间网络空间冲突的威胁为例。Take, for example, the threat of cyberspace conflict between states.

关于诽谤,隐私和版权的法律也适用于网络空间。The laws of libel, privacy, and copyright still apply in cyberspace.

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连接自由如同集会自由一样,只不过它是在网络空间。The freedom to connect is like the freedom of assembly, only in cyberspace.

真实生活的惰性在赛博空间无摩擦的冲浪中神奇地消失了。Real-life inertia magically disappears in the frictionless surfing of cyberspace.

因此,在网络空间中找出有效的建立信任的措施是一项挑战。So it’s a challenge to identify effective, confidence-building measures in cyberspace.

另外一个棘手的问题是战争的规则如何在网络空间惯彻执行。Yet another troublesome issue is how the rules of war could be enforced in cyberspace.

由我首次接触网络科技﹐便即时被它的无穷资讯所迷倒。Ever since I was introduced to this technology of cyberspace I have been a devoted fan.

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——妇女能够以在“现实”世界中通常不可能的方式加入网际交谈。Women are drawn into cyberspace discourse in ways not always available in “real” space.

这些素未谋面、不知其名的女人,都被吸引到这个存在于虚拟空间里的匿名避风港。Faceless, nameless women, all of them drawn to this safeand anonymous haven in cyberspace.

我们今天在一个关键时刻开会,这是互联网历史中的转折点。Look, we are meeting at a pivotal moment, an inflection point in the history of cyberspace.