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那就是,矿物质化妆品。It is called mineral makeup.

谁可以使用矿物化妆品Who Can Use Mineral Cosmetics?

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铀矿物为铀石。Coffinite is the uranium mineral.

远水救不得近渴。Mineral water quenched our thirst.

那里面的威士忌比苏打水多。Some soda water and mineral water.

该岩石中富含矿盐。The rock is rich in mineral salts.

唯一的矿石矿物为晶质铀矿。Uraninite is the only ore mineral.

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猫砂可以食用?Could Cat Litter Mineral Be Edible?

脉石矿物主要是石英。Gangue mineral is primarily quartz.

岩棉是矿物棉的一种。Rock wool is a kind of mineral wool.

矿物化妆品对油性皮肤好吗?Is Mineral Makeup Good For Oily Skin?

多种维生素和矿物质补充剂。Multi-vitamin and mineral supplement.

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瓦房店矿产资源十分丰富。Wafangdian has rich mineral resources.

不添加著色料、矿物油。No colouring materials and mineral oil.

控制全世界的矿权?Lock up mineral rights around the world?

它有丰富的铬矿的痕迹。It is rich in traces of mineral chromium.

矿物主要为石英。Its mineral is composed mainly of quartz.

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绢云母是一种质优价廉的矿物填料。Sericite is a new type of mineral filler.

氟是一种自然形成的矿物质。Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral.

萤石是一种常见呈晶簇产出的矿物。Fluorite is common mineral assumed druses.