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柱状晶形的重晶石在方解石晶簇上。Prismatic crystal of Barite on Calcite crystals.

今天是方解石王国向你们问候。The Calcite Mineral Kingdom addresses you today.

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矿石主要由透辉石、方解石和石英等组成。They are mainly composed of diopside, calcite and quartz.

方解石矿石王国与此建议有协约。The Calcite Mineral Kingdom concludes with this suggestion.

微型浮游生物应为湖泊中的方解石沉淀负责吗?。Are Picoplankton Responsible for Calcite Precipitation in Lakes?

桂西下甲方解石脉型水晶矿床是水晶矿床的新类型。Xiajia calcite vein-type mountain crystal deposit is a new type.

他们选择高纯度,高白度的方解石为原料。They select high purity and high whiteness calcite as raw material.

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霰石和镁方解石,比普通方解石更容易溶解。Aragonite and magnesium calcite are more soluble than normal calcite.

下划线的“堇青石、方解石或电气石”是什么?What do the underlined words "cordierite, calcite or tourmaline" mean?

贝壳中的碳酸钙是以文石和方解石形式存在。In the shell, mineral form of calcium carbonate is calcite and aragonite.

黄色方解石持有光之语中生命呼吸的音调。Yellow Calcite is holding the breath of life tone in the Language of Light.

黄色方解石也协助提升中创造性身体的修复。Yellow calcite also assists in the repair of the creative body in ascension.

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塔河油田岩溶洞穴中“独特”的方解石充填物对洞穴保存具有独特的意义。Calcite precipitated in the near-surface filled part of the caves and rock fractures.

洞壁常见方解石伟晶。这些晶洞形成于第三纪。Calcite megaerysts spread or the wall of the geodes which had been formed in Tertiary.

我们可以很方便地以方解石或冰洲石晶体来进行研究。We can be conveniently studied with reference to a crystal of calcite or iceland spar.

许多软体动物的壳中,方解石的化学结构与胺基酸形成强固的键结。The chemical structure of calcite in many mollusk shells bonds strongly to amino acids.

研究了固体浓度对方解石动电行为的影响。The effect of solid concentrations on the electrokinetic behavior of calcite was studied.

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同时观察到方解石到文石的固-固相转变。In the present study, solid-solid phase transition from calcite to aragonite was observed.

引起碳酸盐含量变化的正是其中的方解石胶结物的变化。It is the calcite cementation that results in the variation of carbonate mineral contents.

钟乳石的方解石和一小的文石组成似乎像一不可思议的背景。Stalactites of calcite and a small aragonite formation appear as if in a magical backdrop.