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恐惧使她失去了理智。Fear dispossessed her of her senses.

被剥夺者在要求归还他们的权利。The dispossessed are demanding their rights.

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政府把她驱逐出国。The government dispossessed her from her conutry.

政府剥夺了地主的财产。The government dispossessed the landlords of their property.

失地运动主要为被无端剥夺权利的人们争取土地而斗争。The MST fights for access to land on behalf of the dispossessed.

他们将何利人赶出、接替他们住在那里,直到今日。And they dispossessed them and have dwelt there in their place to this day.

中国每年有成千上万起失地农民示威。Every year, there are tens of thousands of protests across China by the disgruntled dispossessed.

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马涅对形象要求很过细,像他这样被驱逐的人往往就是一些最骄傲的人。Mania was meticulous about the appearances, the dispossessed are often some of the proudest people.

理查德写这篇文章时,右翼遭到两大政党一致拒绝,感到被遗弃了。When Hofstadter wrote, the right wing felt dispossessed because it was rejected by both major parties.

无依无靠的人深深知道,在某些情况下,每个人都可能变成一个懦夫。The dispossessed know very well that under certain circumstances everyone is capable of being a coward.

这位一度作为流亡者代表的勇健领袖仍然充满斗志,在包围中领导他的人民。It was from there that the gallant leader, once the face of a dispossessed people, still defiant, led his people.

萨尼亚,宋,迪亚比互相传递,此时凯文·麦克唐纳在大禁区线上捅掉了法国人的皮球。Bacary Sagna, Song and Abou Diaby linked up but the Frenchman was dispossessed by Kevin McDonald just inside the box.

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玛拿西的儿子玛吉,他的子孙往基列去,占了那地,赶出那里的亚摩利人。And the children of Machir the son of Manasseh went to Gilead, and took it, and dispossessed the Amorite which was in it.

耶和华以色列的神在他百姓以色列面前赶出亚摩利人,你竟要得他们的地吗。So now the LORD God of Israel hath dispossessed the Amorites from before his people Israel, and shouldest thou possess it?

五月,南部抚州市的一位农民因房子遭没收,就采取了自杀性爆炸式袭击,炸毁了政府大楼并造成另外两人死亡。In May, a dispossessed farmer in the southern city of Fuzhou bombed government buildings, killing himself and two other people.

这是数十年来警察压迫的结果,把被压迫者中的每一种集体组织都标记出来。That has been an effect of decades of police repression, stamping out collective organization of any kind among the dispossessed.

前几天,当马,周以及其他邻居在围墙边集合发起拆墙行动时,有五六名警察在场。Half a dozen policemen stood by as Ma, Zhou, and another dispossessed neighbor gathered to bash some tiles off the wall the other day.

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无庸置疑,五旬节信仰确实首先起步于穷人和一无所有者之中,并为他们提供了某种含糊不明的慰藉。There is no doubt that Pentecostalism first took off among the poor and the dispossessed and that it offers some dubious consolations.

因此我向你声明,拉西里的罗宾放弃你的土地,放开你的右手,不许再拉弓了。And for that I declare you, Robin of Locksley, dispossessed of your holding, and to lose your right hand that you may draw bow no more.

那些流离失所的农民和手工业者,宣布自己占据的土地为人民的“共有财产”,并且开始在其上耕作。Dispossessed farmers and artisans, they had occupied the land, proclaimed it the "common treasure" of the people, and begun tilling it.