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它是一只木偶。It's a puppet.

日本就是个傀儡。Japan is the puppet.

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让我们做个木偶吧。Let's make a puppet.

木偶的个头儿很小。The puppet is very small.

我是一个缰绳木偶。Built as a tied-up puppet.

这是一个似是而非的伪问题。This is a specious puppet.

让我们发挥的傀儡。Let's play with the puppet.

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他不过是个傀儡。He is no more than a puppet.

我像木偶放弃期待。I give the wait up as a puppet.

傀儡王邪恶轴心。Puppet. Master. Axis. of. Evil.

现在开始木偶剧表演吧。Now let's begin the puppet show!

阳不过阴。导致傀儡之出。Yang but Yin. Cause of a puppet.

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小布偶乔伊说再见?。Bye-bye, little puppet Joey hand?

今天我们来做木偶戏。Today we will make a puppet show.

上星期一支伪军部队起义了。A puppet troop revolted last week.

你不记得那个演木偶戏的吗?Do you not remember the puppet guy?

伪军高呼饶命。The puppet soldier cried for mercy.

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单为别人的评价而活着的人无异于傀儡。Single living for others is a puppet.

也就是说,在木偶中或在上帝中。That is, in the puppet or in the god.

这个医生是个真正的道学先生。The doctor is a very dogmatic puppet.