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但到现在蝙蝠还没有出现。But so far no bats.

他有两个乒乓球拍。He has two ping-pong bats.

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一个队先击球,And the one team bats first,

那吸血蝙蝠怎么样啊?What about the vampire bats?

有些蝙蝠也是传粉者。Some bats are pollinator , too.

蝙蝠多躲藏在暗洞里。Bats tend to hide in dark caves.

女员工说有蝙蝠钻到她头发里了。Employee said bats got in her hair.

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蝙蝠是靠回声定位法来导航的。Most bats navigate by echolocation.

蝙蝠和猫头鹰都是夜行性动物。Bats are nocturnal animal, so do owl.

四只蝙蝠正在阁楼顶上倒挂着。Four bats are hanging in back attics.

是蝙蝠和夜莺的窠巢盘踞在顶梁。The bats and owlets builders in the roof!

蝙蝠出洞时每次都是向左转!Bats always turn left when exiting a cave!

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但是一到黄昏,蝙蝠便从洞里出来了。But at dusk the bats come out of their caves.

这些花蕾本身也会产生茁长素。These bats buds themselves also produce auxin.

现在那是比任何一天的血红蝙蝠还要恐怖。Now that's scarier than blood-red bats any day.

请原谅我,王先生。我得去还这些球棒。Excuse me, Mr. Wang. I have to return these bats.

直到今天,蝙蝠仍住在洞里。倒挂着。To this day bats live in caves, hanging upside down.

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这里列出了世界上十个最为奇特的蝙蝠。This list looks at ten of the most unusual bats around.

蝙蝠的这种回声定位常可与雷达相比较。This echo-location in bats is often compared with radar.

吸血蝙蝠能够明白下级通用语,但无法说它。Vampire bats understand Low Common, but cannot speak it.