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跨年代的联系往往是空洞无力的。The cross-dating links were often tenuous.

这些只是一些随意的、空洞的电子接触而已。These are just casual, tenuous electronic pings.

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部族与其他狼人的联系十分疏远。The tribe's relations with other Garou are tenuous.

目前这则最飘渺的新闻报道再一次被重提。Now, the most tenuous of news reports has ramped the talk up again.

2005年,苏丹声称要维护和平,尽管希望渺茫,可道对此却十分关注。Dau carefully watches the tenuous peace declared in Sudan during 2005.

但是,这些修正让毛主义与马克思主义的知识联系变得很微弱。But they left only tenuous intellectual ties between Maoism and Marxism.

塞思到场是件好事——一种联系,虽然牵强,和我的伴郎之间的联系。Having Seth there would be nice—a link, however tenuous , to my missing best man.

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Mitra承认将鸟类文化与人类文化进行类比有点牵强。Mitra admits that the analogies between bird culture and human culture are tenuous.

如果我们的自我尊重建立在他人的表扬之上,那么这种自我尊重将是非常脆弱的。If our self respect is based on the praise of others then our self respect will be very tenuous.

在此方法中,风险管理和关键项目测量的关系是纤细的。In this method, the relationship of risk management and the key project measurements is tenuous.

取而代之的是一个长脚的幻想最脆弱的连接,只有在地上。In its place is the illusion of an elongated leg and only a most tenuous connection to the ground.

在首都伊斯兰堡西北部,武装部队渐渐丧失了对当地部落宗教的控制。In the tribe regions, the North and West of the capital, the Pakistani army is loosing its tenuous grip.

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这也显示出供应线依然脆弱,随时面临着余震、山体滑坡和暴雨的威胁。And it shows that supply lines remain tenuous , under threat from aftershocks, landslides and heavy rains.

尽管我们感觉自己不可战胜、永生不老,但我们的生命远比想像的要脆弱。In spite of our feelings of invincibility and immortality, our existence is far tenuous than we might think.

儒艮目前在整个范围内受到法律的保护,但其数量仍然处于贫乏的状态中。Dugongs are now legally protected throughout their range, but their populations are still in a tenuous state.

他紧跟彩虹彗星的细长尾迹——这种天然的星际现象据说可以引领人们直达鲁恩。He followed the tenuous trail of the rainbow comet, a natural stellar phenomenon said to lead directly to Roon.

一束光线从街灯穿过细竹栏杆,照在一个穿著亮白色印度传统长袍的人身上。A shaft of light from a street lamp falls past tenuous bamboo railings onto a figure in a glittering white sari.

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尽管我们感觉自己不可战胜、长生不老,但我们的生命远比想像的要脆弱。In spite of our feelings of invincibility and immortality, our existence is far more tenuous than we might think.

在这微妙的时期,帝国顽固派使出了最后一招,他们雇佣了一个骗子冒充索龙元帅。During these tenuous times, a last ditch effort by Imperial loyalists employed an imposter as Grand Admiral Thrawn.

我和历史学院保持着若即若离的联系,一周写两篇论文,听听临时讲座。I kept a tenuous connexion with the History School, wrote my two essays a week, and attended an occasional lecture.