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我默默的向上帝请求着。I pleaded silently to God.

这些人排成一列排队一声不吭地出发了。The men filed away silently.

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来到你的内室几分宁静。Come into your room silently.

又一次,杰维斯默默地顺从了。Again, Jervis silently obeyed.

小船悄然滑过。Silently the boat glided past.

他们悄悄地离开了舞会。They silently split off the ball.

猎人们悄悄地追捕那头鹿。Huntsmen chased the deer silently.

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我曾经默默无语毫无指望地爱过你Silently and hopelessly I loved you

它们悄悄地向杰克和奈提莉飞去,跟着他们。FOLLOW THEM as they descend silently

我爱过你,寂静地,绝望地。Silently and hopelessly I loved you.

在厕所里可以默念佛号吗?Can I chant Amitabha Buddha silently?

那夜,我静默在你的心情中。That night, I silently in your heart.

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巴克斯静静地躺着,一动不动。Barkis lay silently there, not moving.

猎人们悄悄地追踪那只鹿。The huntsmen chased the deer silently.

接着她静静地坐着盯着它看。Then she sat silently and stared at it.

每一次和你默默的人来往。Consorting silently with you every time.

那猫一声不响地爬向那只鸟。The cat crept silently towards the bird.

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那只猫一声不响地接近那只鸟.The cat crept silently towards the bird.

我轻声的告诉他,这就是我所看到的。This is what I see, I tell him silently.

他默默地把烟管递到嘴里。He silently applied the tube to his lips.