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乘汽车上峨嵋山之前。Mount Emei by bus.

他放慢了坐骑的速度。He pulled his mount.

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攀登上光荣的阶梯。Up the mount of glory.

歌唱着阿伯若山。Singing of Mount Abora.

山头部重量三点五公斤。Mount head weight 3.5kg.

请骑上你们的扫帚。Mount your brooms, please.

比如在圣殿山发生的故事。You know the Temple Mount.

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然而在整个东望洋山区域内。But in the Mount Guia area.

然后我们去爬了峨眉山。Then we climbed Mount Emei.

拯救圣殿山。You saved the temple mount.

证据在继续累加。Evidence continues to mount.

今日以色列圣殿山。Israel's Temple Mount today.

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我的家乡在庐山。My hometown is Mount Lushan.

攀登你的旺图山。Climb your own Mount Ventoux.

一座山不能藏两只老虎。The old man can mount a hill.

喷发后的圣海伦斯火山Mount St. Helens After Eruption

橄榄山基督教会欢迎您!Welcome to Mount Olivet Church.

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在五台山是首屈一指的。In the Mount are second to none.

一棵大树高高地矗立在山上。A great tree stands on the mount.

嵖岈山是一个巧妙之地。Mount Chaya is a wonderful place.