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我热爱语源学。I love etymology.

这个名字的词源尚不清楚。The etymology of the name is obscure.

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不过,除此以外,还有个词源学上更加隐晦的笑话。There’s a deeper joke in the etymology though.

那么先来看一下这个词的词源。So the etymology of vichyssoise will come first.

那么这一切与词源有什么关系呢?So what does all this have to do with etymology?

Ok的出典成了词源学梦寐以求的圣杯。The origin of OK became the Holy Grail of etymology.

他平日里是一个语言学家,而他写起东西来就如同拉丁语词源词典一样。He wrote things like a Dictionary of Latin Etymology.

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圣经中的词源根据是编造出来的。The etymology given in the biblical text is invented.

因此我受教了,这是它的词源。So now that I've educated myself, here's the etymology.

英语中“阉人”一词起源于希腊语“守护床铺的人。”The etymology of "eunuch" is the Greek word for "bed keeper.

每一个词源都是一条具体而微的引领我们回家的陌生的路。Each etymology is a case, in miniature, of the strange road home.

从语源学上讲,人类学是研究人的科学。From the etymology speaking, anthropology is the study of science.

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随着我们不断学习到新的有趣词汇,我们将进一步学习词源。As we learn about interesting words we will look at their etymology.

还有什么比询问其创造者来查询一个单词语源更好的方法吗?How better to check out the etymology of the word than to ask its creator?

我认为他们并没有仔细考虑这个词的词源。I don't suppose they spent much time looking into the etymology of mustang.

harbinger这个词的来源和“先行者”是联系在一起的。The etymology of the word harbinger is tied up in that “forerunner” meaning.

下面会从语源和历史角度讨论各民族的名字。This website looks at the etymology and history or all types of given names.

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关于galoshes这个词,存在相当丰富的词源发展脉络,这让我感到非常意外。So I was pretty surprised to find a fairly rich vein of etymology on this one.

只要查一下这些单词的词源,它们的意思就会变得更加明晰。These meanings are made more evident in looking at the etymology for these words.

词汇分析层面主要依据词汇密度理论和词源理论。The lexical level analysis is based on the theory of lexical density and etymology.