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她并不很聪明,但肯下苦功夫。She is not very clever but she is painstaking.

现在努力学习,报答父母的一片苦心。Now study hard, love for parents a painstaking.

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因为对于科研的全面综览检验总是艰苦精心工作的结果。A thorough examination of the research is painstaking.

我感谢您,感谢您对我的精心培养。I thank you, I thank you for the painstaking training.

学好一种语言。必须下苦功。The mastery of a language requires painstaking effort.

我很欣慰,你终于理解我的一片苦心了。I am relieved that you have at last seen my painstaking.

她的训练将会是缓慢的,艰辛的,将焦点集中在修正错误上。Her practice would be slow, painstaking and error-focused.

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镶板绘画是个费心费力的过程。Panel painting involved a painstaking , laborious process.

他为实现人生目标所下的苦功是值得称赞的。His painstaking to attain his goal in life is praiseworthy.

今早,小雨妹妹还在不辞辛苦的工作。Morning, light rain is still painstaking work of his sister.

一个苦干的画家被雇佣去描绘宫殿的一面墙。Painstaking painter was hired to paint a wall of the palace.

另一方面,辛苦认真的报道是有一定代价的。On the other hand, the painstaking reporting came at a price.

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在每一张图片的后面都有我的心血和劳动。All has my painstaking care and the work in each picture behind.

中国求解解放、文明、自由的路,从来是走的辛苦。China has walked a painstaking path to liberty and civilization.

法医专家对残骸进行了极其仔细的搜索。Forensic experts carried out a painstaking search of the debris.

谁能知道有多少个能工巧匠的心血与智慧在此汇聚?Who knows how much painstaking effort the skillful craftsmen made?

将谁的血泪与酸辛凝聚成诗行?。Will be whose blood and tears and painstaking Cohesion into Lines!

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所有珠联璧合葡萄酒都是手工制作,精心细致。All Portfolio wine is handmade with painstaking attentions to details.

这是最默默无闻却功德无量的艰苦劳动。This is the most obscure and yet greatest service and painstaking work.

历尽艰辛的重建工作中,有一部分是由德国政府资助的。The painstaking restoration was partially funded by the German government.