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帕蒂再一次凄惨地哭了起来。Patty began to cry again very desolately.

也有橙色代表落寞也苦涩。Also has the orange to represent desolately also bitter.

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政策来临之前,市场冷淡度过。Before the policy approaches, the market passed desolately.

凄凄芳草河边醉,化作谁人泪千行。Grass River desolately drunk, who turned into tears of a thousand lines.

什么都不重要了,即使是仍吹打在帐篷上的雨是那么凄凉。Nothing at all, not even the rain still blowing desolately against the tent.

在10点15分以后两市震荡回落,市场交投冷淡。Recedes in 10.15 point later two city shake, the market delivers desolately.

空气也忽然变得森凉。黑色的乌云象跑马一样的翻滚着。The air suddenly became desolately cool with black clouds turning like running horses.

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每天,你都会与那些冷清地眼神擦肩而过。Everyday, you would with those desolately the look in the eyes wipe a shoulder but lead.

相比之下,在联通办理c网的业务却相对收到冷落。Comparatively, handles c in the link net's service actually relatively to receive desolately.

冷清地坐在那里,一动不动,如同一座石刻的雕像。Desolately sit over there, Air Jordan Retro 5, an on each occasion, like a sculpture of carve carvings.

从天空中被放逐,没有巫术,没有苍凉洞悉自然的心灵。Being sent into the exile from the sky without witchcraft, without the mind which can understand the natural clearly and desolately.

我的长寿轩与其主人感情甚笃,至今四年有余矣,而今我要离她远去,何以不“凄凄惨惨凄凄”呢?My longevity Hin very deep feelings for his master, has more than four years men, and now I want to leave her away, why not "Can Can desolately desolately" mean?