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这些数字怎么了?What about the numbers?

五和九是奇数。Fivenine are odd numbers.

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这些号码是一顺的。These are serial numbers.

你只是在滥竽充数么?Am I just making up numbers?

他军队被数的,共有57,400名.His division numbers 57,400.

写下数字1到10。Write down the numbers 1-10.

等着看他把车开走,“Is it the wrong page numbers?

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我们仍然需要看到数字。We still need to see numbers.

你只是在滥竽充数么?Are you just making up numbers?

但越来越多的西移。But growing numbers moved west.

这么说,我们能信赖这些数据?Q. So we can trust the numbers?

这两个数字连结在一起。The numbers are bound together.

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到1930年,野牛群的数量增加了。By 1930, herd numbers increased.

你能添上一栏数字吗?Can you add a column of numbers?

染色体数量、X染色体、Y染色体Chromosome numbers and Xs and Ys

你知道这些罗马字吗?。Do You Know These Roman Numbers?

您在这方面有什么数字吗?Do you have any numbers on that?

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数据库里的符号,仅仅如此?Numbers in database, is that it?

别用悲切的诗句对我唱。Tell me not in mournful numbers.

这是单号座位入口。The entrance is for odd numbers.