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猎人捕获了一只豪猪。The hunter seized a porcupine.

首先,我们看到的是豪猪和狼。First, we see is the porcupine and wolves.

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严禁跟豪猪发生性行为——佛罗里达州法例。Having sex with a porcupine is illegal in Florida.

有一个哲学寓言,叫豪猪的哲学。There is a philosophy parable, call philosophy of porcupine.

大家都不喜欢豪猪刺小弟,他们会不会叫他走呢?Everybody dislikes Spike, the porcupine. Will they ask him to leave?

在PorcupineRim骑车花了4.5小时,行程26.75英里。The Porcupine Rim ride took us 4.5 hours and we tracked 26.75 miles.

产于婆罗洲和苏门答腊岛的短刺长尾豪猪。porcupine of Borneo and Sumatra having short spines and a long tail.

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眼泪迷糊了我的眼睛所以我没注意到路中央的一只豪猪。Through my tears I failed to notice a porcupine in the middle of the road.

在缅因州,公路交通事故中杀死的动物种类是北美箭猪。In Maine, the most commonly counted roadkill species is the North American porcupine.

公园也是豪猪、驯鹿群和50万候鸟所占有的地方。The park is also the domain of the Porcupine caribou herd and half a million migratory birds.

陈阵全身的汗毛又像豪猪的毫刺一般竖了起来,几乎将衬衫撑离了皮肉。The fine hairs on his body rose up like porcupine quills, virtually pulling his shirt away from his skin.

该公司的早期结果表明,“无论从冶金肯盖和豪猪的目标结果是非常积极的。”The company's early results show, "metallurgical results from both the Kenge and Porcupine targets are very positive."

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它不像豪猪的刺或其它什么的,但是在表面上有尖状的凸起使这个器官起伏不平。Not like porcupine needles or anything, but small pointy projections on the surface that basically make the organ bumpy.

尽管它看上去可能象一只豪猪,然而刺猬是个素食动物,它只吃昆虫和小动物。Even though it might look like a porcupine, the hedgehog eats insects and small animals while the porcupine is a vegetarian.

成年狮子知道豪猪刺实际上可以刺穿狮子的肌肉。而这些伤口甚至会导致它们死亡。What the adults know is that porcupine needles can actually pierce the flesh of a lion. And these wounds could even kill it.

死者略带血迹的黑发僵硬脏臭,像豪猪的棘刺一样从青筋暴起的脸旁乍起。The woman's black hair, matted stiff with blood, stuck out like porcupine quills from a face the color of blue-veined marble.

他们很感兴趣,但再一次,那些刺相当于让豪猪披上一层不可穿透的导弹防御屏障。They're interested, but once again, those quills give the porcupine the equivalent of an impenetrable missile defense shield.

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郎朗总是对他的头发大做文章,每次表演到行头上时,他的脑袋看上去就像在台风中乱窜的一只箭猪。Lang wears so much product in his hair that when he sways in rapture to his playing his head looks like a porcupine in a typhoon.

这是一张十秒曝光的效果图,在一个微风轻拂的夜晚,于密歇根州豪猪山脉上部的一座吊桥上拍摄的。This is the result of a ten-second exposure on a breezy evening from a suspension bridge in Upper Michigan's Porcupine Mountains.

豪猪和肯盖的目标只有两个一共有22个明确的目标是相交基岩托管金矿。The Porcupine and Kenge targets are only two out of a total of 22 defined targets that intersected bedrock-hosted gold mineralisation.