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还能是别的情况吗?How can it be otherwise?

否则也可能有效。Otherwise it could be valid.

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我认为他另有打算。I think he intends otherwise.

他显然有不同的想法。中华考试网He evidently thinks otherwise.

否则,那船没准会沉。Otherwise the boat might sink.

但事实并非如此。But the facts suggest otherwise.

除此以外就是一无所获And it's going to be 0 otherwise.

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不然,就闭上你的嘴巴。Otherwise keep your mouth closed.

这样就会是一个严谨的章节。Otherwise this is a solid chapter.

有些人贤明,有些人则不然。Some are wise, some are otherwise.

即使是她也不能左右我的决定。Not even she can tell me otherwise.

如不这样使用则可能是有害的。Used otherwise it could be harmful.

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法律另有规定的除外。Except as otherwise provided by law.

否则,我会觉得和以前一样。Otherwise I feel the same as before.

有时,我们想要杀掉他们Otherwise we would have killed them.

否则我会返回。memo Otherwise I'll return the memo.

有时,我们想要杀掉他们“Otherwise we would have killed them."

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否则门应保持关闭。Otherwise doors should be kept closed.

不然洪水会把你淹死的!Otherwise you will drown in the flood!

要想做到表里如一,还需另加花费。To do think that would otherwise cost.