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混战对抗米格!Dogfight against MiGs!

那些战斗机在天上缠斗。Those fighters just had a dogfight in the sky.

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但是,二者在美国市场份额方面的争夺,却从来都是一场难分伯仲的混战。U.S. market share, however, has been a dogfight.

几个人在看小电视上的斗狗比赛。A few men were watching a dogfight on a small TV.

三名领先的竞争者陷入一场鏖战。The three leading contenders were locked in a dogfight.

今天的小规模冲突会迅速演变成真正的混战。Today's phoney war could quickly turn into a real dogfight.

曹政去追逃跑的汤伯凡,两人进行最后的殊死搏斗。Runs Shang Bofan Cao Zheng to pursuit, two people finally dogfight.

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“赢在中国”提倡的是企业家精神,“赢在中国”不欢迎一团混战。"Win in China" calls for the spirit of entrepreneurship. "Win in China" does not welcome dogfight.

但当今世界的经济状况容不得人们有一点自满的情绪,要不然,货币战争这个虚无的概念会变成一场真实的混战。Still, there is no room for complacency. Today’s phoney war could quickly turn into a real dogfight.

最近的民调结果显示,麦凯恩在俄亥俄、佛罗里达、弗吉尼亚、北卡罗莱纳、科罗拉多、密苏里和印第安那州地位都岌岌可危,而在2004年大选时,这些州支持了共和党的布什。Recent polls show McCain in a dogfight in Ohio, Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, Colorado, Missouri and Indiana.

一位飞行员在一次近战中失去了方向,下午晚些时候他在利茨曼施塔特呼叫我们。One pilot loses his orientation completely during a dogfight. He calls us in the late afternoon from Litzmannstadt.

为此,英曼感到担忧,因为依据李的逻辑,很快有人就会把任何一场滥战或恶斗的胜利者称作是上帝亲点的卫道士。Inman worried that following such logic would soon lead one to declare the victor of every brawl and dogfight as God's certified champion.

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介绍了国外新一代红外近距格斗导弹典型型号的发展情况,主要是美国的AIM-9X、英国的ASRAAM、德国的IRIS-T。Then, the development trends of foreign new generation short-range dogfight IR missile are introduced, including U. S. AIM-9X, Britain ASRAAM and Germany IRIS-T.

同样,“在地毯下混战”经常被俄国人引证说是温斯顿·丘吉尔比喻克里姆林宫的政治斗争,西方人并不知道这句话。Similarly, "a dogfight under the carpet, " often cited in Russia as Winston Churchill's metaphor for the political struggle in the Kremlin, is unknown in the West.

战机追踪导引性能的关键是其火控系统应具有高性能的导引律。The key for fighter aircraft to implement target pursuit and interception in an air dogfight is to design high performance guidance law for its fire control system.

斯蒂芬杰拉德承认尽管利物浦在斯坦福桥通过很好的表现得到一分,但他们仍然处在混乱的欧冠资格争夺战中。Steven Gerrard admits Liverpool are in the midst of a dogfight to claim a Champions League spot despite an excellent display to gain a draw at Stamford Bridge on Sunday.

坚固的ARC-170是火力凶猛的飞船,而灵活的V翼战斗机更适合与快速的秃鹫星际战斗机和三联战斗机缠斗。While the robust ARC-170s served as heavy fire craft, the nimble V-wing fighters were better suited to dogfight engagements against the speedy vulture starfighters and tri-fighters.

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特别是对于近距格斗导弹来说它不仅涉及载机的安全,还关系到导弹的作战效果。It is especially important for short-range air-to-air dogfight missile because it has great bearing not only on safety of the carrying aircraft, but also on the missile's combating effect.